
K betyr at publikasjonen er tatt inn i en kopisamling/kompendium. Kopisamlingene/kompendiene samt pensum i instituttets stensilserie og K-serie er til salgs i Akademika i Domus Nova, St.Olavs plass 5, inngang Pilestredet. Ta med gyldig studentbevis ved kj?p av kopisamling/kompendium.


Beirne, Piers (1999):" For a Non-speciesist Criminology: Animal Abuse as an Object of Study" I: Criminology 37(1), 117-148. 31 s.

Beirne, Piers og Nigel South, red. (2007): Issues in Green Criminology. Confronting harms against environment, humanity and other animals, kap. 3, kap. 10. Willan Publishing. 45 s. [K]

Dybing, Sigurd S. (2012): "Social Causes and Shifting Legislative Dynamics." I Ellefsen, Sollund, Larsen: Eco-global Crimes. Ashgate. 19 s.

Ellefsen, Rune (2012): "Green Movements as Threats to Order and Economy: Animal Activists Repressed in Austria and Beyond." I Ellefsen, Rune, Sollund Ragnhild og Guri Larsen: Eco-global Crimes. Ashgate. 22 s.

Ellefsen, Rune (2013): "Den moderne pelsdyrfabrikken: Konflikten om legitimiteten." I Sollund, Ragnhild, Morten T?nnesen og Guri Larsen: Hvem er villest I landet her? Spartacus, s.. 205-223. 19 s.

Gaarder, Emily (2013): "Evading responsibility for green harm. State-corporate exloitation of race, class and gender inequality." I South, Nigel, Brisman, Avid (ed): Routledge International Handbook of Green Criminology. 10 s. [K]

Gamlund, Espen (2013): "Etiske perspektiver p? dyr og nature". I Sollund, T?nnesen, Larsen: Hvem er villest I landet her? Spartacus, s. 329-352. 24 s.

Global Environmental Harm. Criminological perspectives. Rob White (red) Willan Publishing. Kap. 4 og 12. 33 s.

Global Harms. Ecological Crime and Speciesism (2008). Ragnhild Sollund (red) Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Kap. 2, 3, 4, 11. 67 s.

Heckenberg, Diana, Johnston, Ingrid (2012): "Climate Change, Gender and Natural Disaster: Social Differences and Environmental-Related Victimisation." I Rob White (ed): Climate Change from a Criminological Perspective. Springer. 23 s. [K]

Hessen, Dag O. (2013): "Hvor unikt er mennesket?" I Sollund, T?nnesen, Larsen: Hvem er villest I landet her? Spartacus, s. 57-77. 21 s.

Kleveland, Live (21013): "Livet, smerten og friheten. Sikres dyrs interesser av dyrevelferdsloven og forvaltningen?" I Sollund, T?nnessen, Larsen: Hvem er villest I landet her? Spartacus, s. 289-306. 17 s.

Kristiansen, Tore S. (2013): "Historien om laksen - fra elvas konge til Norges viktigste husdyr." I Sollund, T?nnessen, Larsen: Hvem er villest I landet her? Spartacus, s. 121-140. 20 s.

Larsen, Guri (2012): "The Most Serious Crime: Eco-genocide. Concepts and Perspectives in Eco-global Criminology." I Ellefsen, Sollund, Larsen: Eco-global Crimes. Ashgate. 21 s.

Larsen Guri (2013): "Matens urettferdighet. Matproduksjonens antroposentriske system." I Sollund, T?nnessen, Larsen: Hvem er villest I landet her? Spartacus, s. 185-203. 19 s.

Martinsen, Siri (2013): "Dyrs verdi i lys av utvalgte fangsttradisjoner." I Sollund, T?nnessen, Larsen: Hvem er villest I landet her? Spartacus, s.99-120. 21 s.

Mol, Hanneke (2014): “’A Gift from the Tropics to the World’: Power, Harm, and Palm Oil.” I Westerhuis, Walters (eds.): Emerging Issues in Green Criminology. Palgrave, 242-260. 18 s.

Myrup, Mikkel (2012): "Industrialising Greenland: Government and Transnational Corporations Versus Civil Society?" I Ellefsen, Sollund, Larsen: Eco-global Crimes. Ashgate. 12 s.

Quenild, Marte (2012): "Native Nature and Alien Invasions: Battling with Concepts and Plants at Fornebu, Norway."  I Ellefsen, Sollund, Larsen: Eco-global Crimes. Ashgate. 17 s.

Sollund, Ragnhild (2013): “Animal Trafficking and Trade: Abuse and Species Injustice”. I Walters, Westerhuis, Wyatt (eds.): Emerging Issues in Green Criminology. Palgrave, 72-92. 20 s.

Sollund, Ragnhild (2013): "Selskapsdyr: Vennskap versus utnytting." I Sollund, T?nnessen, Larsen: Hvem er villest I landet her? Spartacus, s. 245-270. 26 s.

Sollund, Ragnhild (2012): "Speciesism as Doxic Practice Versus Valuing Difference and Plurality." I Ellefsen, Sollund, Larsen: Eco-global Crimes. Ashgate, 19 s.

T?nnessen, Morten (2013): "Menneskeveldet." I Sollund, T?nnessen, Larsen: Hvem er villest I landet her? Spartacus, s. 37-56. 20 s.

Walters, Reece (2013): "Air Crimes and Atmospheric Justice." I South, Nigel, Brisman Avi (ed): Routledge International Handbook of Green Criminology. 15 s. [K]

White, Rob (2011): Transnational Environmental Crime. Routledge. Kap. 3, 4 og  5. 51 s.

White, Rob (2013): Environmental Harm: An Eco-justice Perspective. Policy press. 175 s.

Totalt: 785 sider


Annen anbefalt litteratur

Her finner du tips til annen litteratur innen emnets temaomr?der. Dette er ikke del av pensum.

International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy (2014): Special Edition: Green Criminology Matters. [Last ned gratis]

Beirne, Piers, Nigel South (2007): Issues in Green Criminology. Confronting harms against environments, humanity and other animals. London: Willan Publishing

Benton, Ted (1998): Rights and justice on a shared planet: More rights or new relations? Theoretical Criminology, Sage Publications, 24 s.

Brisman, Avi and Nigel South (2014): Green Cultural Criminology: Constructions of Environmental Harm, Consumerism, and Resistance to Ecocide. Routledge

B?rresen, Bergljot (2007): Fiskenes ukjente liv. Transit forlag

Donovan, Josephine and Adams, Carol, ed (2000): Beyond animal rights. A Feminist Caring Ethic for the Treatment of Animals. Continuum International Publishing Group

Ellefsen, Rune (2013): Med lov til ? pine: Om bruk og beskyttelse av dyr. Fritt forlag.

Francione, Gary L.(1994): Animals, Property, and the Law. Temple university press

Francione, Gary L. (2008): Animals as persons. Essays on the abolition of Animal exploitation. Colombia University Press.

F?llesdal, Andreas (2000): Dyreetikk. Fagbokforlaget

Hall, Matthew (2015): Exploring Green Crime: Introducing the Legal, Social and Criminological Contexts of Environmental Harm. Palgrave Macmillan

Haraway, Donna J. (2008): When Species Meet. University of Minnesota Press

Higgins, Polly (2010): Eradicating Ecocide: Laws and Governance to stop the Destruction of the Planet. Shepheard-Walwyn Publishing

Larsen, Guri (2003): Dyrevern eller samfunnsvern. Dyremishandling som lovbrudd og lovlydig handling. Unipub

Lynch, Michael J. and Paul B. Stretesky (2014): Exploring Green Criminology: Toward a Green Criminological Revolution. Ashgate

Nibert, David (2002): Animal Rights – Human Rights. Entaglements of Oppression and Liberation. Lanham-Boulder-New York-Oxford. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Noske, Barbara (1997): Beyond Boundaries. Humans and Animals. Black Rose Books

Nurse, Angus (2013): Animal Harm: Perspectives on Why People Harm and Kill Animals . Ashgate

Regan, Tom (2003): Emtpy cages. Facing the Challenges of Animal Rights. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

South, Nigel and Piers Beirne (2006): Green Criminology. The International Library of Ccriminology, Criminal Justice and Penology. Cornwall: Ashgate publishing

South, Nigel and Avi Brisman (eds) (2014): Routledge International Handbook of Green Criminology. Routledge

Stretesky, Paul B., Michael A. Long and Michael J. Lynch (2013): The Treadmill of Crime: Political Economy and Green Criminology. Routledge

White, Rob (2008): Crimes Against Nature. Willan Publishing

White, Rob (ed.) (2009): Environmental Crime. Willan Publishing

White, Rob (ed.) (2010): Global Environmental Harm. Willan Publishing

White, Rob (2011): Transnational Environmental Crime: Towards an Eco-global Criminology. Routledge

White, Rob and Diane Heckenberg (2013): Green Criminology: An Introduction to the Study of Environmental Harm. Routledge

Wyatt, Tanya (2013): Wildlife Trafficking: A Deconstruction of the Crime, the Victims, and the Offenders. Palgrave Macmillan




Publisert 24. nov. 2014 16:21 - Sist endret 27. jan. 2015 16:11