
 Pensumliste KRIM4102


Kontrollpolitiske utviklingslinjer.


Garland, David (2013): Penality and the Penal State. Criminology 51(3): 475-516. 35 s.

Garland, David (1990) Punishment and Modern Society, kap. 3 & 8 (49s)

Lacey, Nicola (2013) “Punishment, (Neo)Liberalism and Social Democracy” i J. Simon & R. Sparks (red.) The SAGE Handbook of Punishment and Society  s. 260-280 (20s).

Loader, I. and R. Sparks (2017) ‘Penal populism and epistemic crime control’ I  Liebling et al (red) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology. Oxford: Oxford university Press (17s) [Canvas] 

Matthews, Roger (2005). The myth of punitiveness. Theoretical Criminology 9 (2): 175-201. 22 s.



Foucault, Michel (1982): The Subject and Power. Critical Inquiry 8(4): 777-795. 19 s.

Foucault, Michel (1991) "Governmentality." I: The Foucault effect. Studies in govermentality. Burchell, G., Gordon, C., Miller, P. (Red.). Chicago: Chicago University press. S. 87-104. 17 s.

Garland, David (1999): "'Governmentality' and the problem of crime: Foucault, criminology, sociology" i Governable places: readings on governmentality and crime control. red Russel Smandych. Aldershot: Ashgate. s 15-45. 29 s. [Canvas] 


Risikotenkning, sikkerhet og terrorbekjempelse


 Feeley, Malcolm and Jonathan Simon (1998): “Actuarial justice: the emergence of new criminal law. I : Crime and the risk society. Pat O’Malley (red.). Dartmouth: Ashgate, s. 375-403. 29 s.  [Canvas] 

Haggerty, K. D. and R. V. Ericson (2000). "The surveillant assemblage." British Journal of Sociology 51(4): 605-622. (17s)

Hannah-Moffat, Kelly (1999): "Moral Agent or Actuarial Subject: Risk and Canadian Women's imprisonment." I: Theoretical criminology, 3(1): 71-94. 23 s.

Lomell, H. M. (2012). Punishing the uncommitted crime: Prevention, pre-emption, precaution and the tranformation of criminal law. Justice and Security in the 21st Century: Risks, rights and the rule of law. B. Hudson and S. Ugelvik. London, Routledge: 83-100.(17s) [Canvas] 

McCulloch, Jude og Sharon Pickering (2009). Pre-Crime and Counter-Terrorism. Imagining Future Crime in the ‘War on Terror’. British Journal of Criminology 49(5): 628-645. 14 s.


Rettslig regulering og Nyere straffeteorier.


Ashwort, A. og Zedner, L. (2014): Preventive Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. S. 1-26. 26 s.  

Bosworth, M and E. Kaufman (2013) ‘Gender and Punishment’ i J. Simon & R. Sparks (red.) The SAGE Handbook of Punishment and Society  s. 186-204 (18s)

O’Malley, P. (2009) ‘Theorizing fines’, Punishment & Society vol  11(1): 67-83 (16s)

Scoular, Jane (2010): What’s Law Got To Do With it? How and Why Law Matters in the Regulation of Sex Work. Journal of Law and Society 37(1): 12-39. 28 s.

von Hirsch, A. (1993): Censure and Sanctions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. S. 1-28, 28 s.  [Canvas]

Skandinaviske perspektiver.


Balvig, Flemming (2005): “When Law and Order Returned to Denmark”. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 5:2, 167-187. 20 s.

Barker, V. (2013)  ‘Nordic Exceptionalism revisited: Explaining the paradox of a Janus-faced penal regime’ i Theoretical Criminology vol 17 (1): 20s

Nilsson, Roddy (2013): ”From Learning to Labour to Learning to Self-Control: The Paradigmatic Change in Swedish Prison Policy”. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 14(1), 2. 24-45. 18 s.

Skilbrei, May-Len og Charlotta Holmstr?m (2011): “Is There a Nordic Prostitution Regime?Crime and Justice, Vol. 40, No. 1 (August 2011), pp. 479-517. 39 s.


Migrasjon, grenser, rettigheter og identitet


Aas, K.F (2014): "Bordered penality: precarious membership and abnormal justice." I: Punishment and Society, 16(5): 520–541. 17 s.

Aas, K. F. and Gundhus, H. O. I. (2014): "Policing Humanitarian Borderlands: Frontex, Human Rights and the Precariousness of Life." I: British Journal of Criminology. 55: 1-18. 15 s.

Jacobsen, CM & M-L Skilbrei (2010)” ‘Reproachable Victims’? Representations and Self-representations of Russian Women Involved in Transnational Prostitution” I Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, vol 75(2): 190-212 (22s)

Phillips, C og B. Bowling (2017) “Ethnicities, racism, crime, and criminal justice? I Liebling et al (red) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology. S 190-212 (22s) [Canvas] 


Globale, komparative og neo-koloniale perspektiver.


Aas, Katja Franko (2017’Criminology, punishment and the state in a globalized society’ i Liebling et al (red) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (20s) [Canvas] 

Brown, Mark (2017) Postcolonial penality: Theoretical Criminology, Vol. 21(2) 186–208 (22s).

Nelken, D. (2017) “Rethinking  comparative criminal justice” i Liebling et al (red) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, s. 416-437 (21s) [Canvas] 


Styring og polisi?re virksomheter.


Crawford, Adam (2006): "Networked governance and the post-regulatory state?: Steering, rowing and anchoring the provision of policing and security." Theoretical Criminology, 10 (4), 449-479. 23 s.

Holley, C og C. Shearing (2017) “A nodal perspective of governance: Advances in nodal governance thinking? i The Wiley‐Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory, tilgjengelig p?: (19s)

Loader, Ian og Neil Walker (2001): "Policing as a public good: Reconstituting the Connections between Policing and the State" i Theoretical criminology 5(1): 9-35. 26 s.

Levi, M. and N. Lord (2017) ‘White-collar and corporate crime’ i Liebling et al (red) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (22s) [Canvas] 

Rose, Nikolas (2010): “Screen and intervene – governing risky brains.” History of the Human Sciences 23 (1): 79-105. 19 s


Tilsammen: 734s


Publisert 14. nov. 2019 09:57 - Sist endret 6. jan. 2020 15:04