
K betyr at publikasjonen er tatt inn i en kopisamling/kompendium. Kopisamlingene/kompendiene samt pensum i instituttets stensilserie og K-serie er til salgs i Akademika i Domus Nova, St.Olavs plass 5, inngang Pilestredet. Ta med gyldig studentbevis ved kj?p av kopisamling/kompendium.


Tittel: ?kologisk-global kriminologi


Ascione, Frank R.(2008): The international handbook of animal abuse and cruelty. Animal Abuse and Scholarly research: Reflections on the Past and a Contemporary View. S.1-5, 5 sider [K]

Beirne, Piers og Nigel South, red. (2007): Issues in Green Criminology. Confronting harms against environment, humanity and other animals, kap. 3, kap. 10. Willan Publishing. 45 sider [K]

Benton, Ted (1998): Rights and justice on a shared planet: More rights or new relations? Theoretical Criminology, Sage Publications, 24 sider

Ellefsen, Rune (2009): Ny dyrevelferdslov: er dyrene varer eller rettssubjekter? Masteroppgave ved Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi, UiO, V-09. Ikke kap. 2 Metodiske tiln?rminger. 115 s.

Gamlund, Espen (2007): ”Klimaendringer, fattigdom og etikk”. R?ST nr. 1/2007, s.27-31. 5 s. [K]

Global Harms. Ecological Crime and Speciesism (2008). Ragnhild Sollund (red) Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Kap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11. 115 s.

Henson, Robert (2009): Rough Guide om Klimaendringer. Nki forlaget. Del 2, s.45-168. 123 s.

Risan, Lars (1998): ”Grenser for det menneskelige?” Samtiden nr. 1-1998, 11 s. [K]

Risan, Lars (2001): ”Om hvordan dyr spiller en rolle for hvordan vi forst?r de som forst?r dem”. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, nr. 4 2001. 11 s. [K]

Shiva, Vandana (2008): Soil Not Oil. Climate Change, Peak Oil, and Food Insecurity. Zed Books, London. 144 s.

White, Rob (2008): Crimes against Nature. Kap. 1 Criminology and environmental harm, Willan publiusher, 31 sider [K]

White, Rob ed (2010): Global Environmental Harm. Criminological perspectives. Part 1 Global problems, s.3-80, kap. 9, 11 og 12 135 sider

Annen anbefalt litteratur

Her finner du tips til annen litteratur innen emnets temaomr?der. Dette er ikke del av pensum.

Beirne, Piers, Nigel South (2007): Issues in Green Criminology. Confronting harms against environments, humanity and other animals. London: Willan Publishing

B?rresen, Bergljot (2007): Fiskenes ukjente liv. Transit forlag

Donovan, Josephine and Adams, Carol, ed (2000): Beyond animal rights. A Feminist Caring Ethic for the Treatment of Animals. Continuum International Publishing Group

Francione, Gary L.(1994): Animals, Property, and the Law. Temple university press

Francione, Gary L. (2008): Animals as persons. Essays on the abolition of Animal exploitation. Colombia University Press.

F?llesdal, Andreas (2000): Dyreetikk. Fagbokforlaget

Haraway, Donna J. (2008): When species meet. University of Minnesota Press

Higgins, Polly (2010): Eradicating Ecocide: Laws and Governance to stop the Destruction of the Planet. Shepheard-Walwyn Publishing

Larsen, Guri (2003): Dyrevern eller samfunnsvern. Dyremishandling som lovbrudd og lovlydig handling. Unipub

L?vik, Kjell (2009): Dyretragedier. En studie i g?rdsbesetninger og beredskapen for ? fange opp slike hendelser tidlig i forl?pet. Masteroppgave i samfunnssikkerhet, Universitetet i Stavanger, V-09

Nibert, David (2002): Animal Rights – Human Rights. Entaglements of oppression and liberation. Lanham-Boulder-New York-Oxford. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Noske, Barbara (1997): Beyond boundaries. Humans and animals. Black Rose Books

NOU 2004:28: Lov om bevaring av natur, landskap og biologik mangfold (naturmangfoldloven). Statens forvaltningstjeneste, Informasjonsforvaltning

Regan, Tom (2003): Emty cages. Facing the challenges of animal rights. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

South, Nigel and Beirne, Piers (2006): Green Criminology. The international library of criminology, criminal justiceand penology. Cornwall: Ashgate publishing

White, Rob (2008): Crimes against Nature. Willan Publishing

White, Rob, ed (2009): Environmental Crime. Willan Publishing

White, Rob, ed (2010): Global environmental Harm. Willan Publishing

White, Rob (2011): Transnational Environmental Crime. Towards an eco-global criminology. Routledge

Publisert 21. mars 2012 08:20 - Sist endret 13. sep. 2012 13:24