
Published Jan. 8, 2015 9:50 AM

Cand 6381-6407 Cecilie Wille S?vik email; Saturday 10. January (leave Your Cand no and phone no, and she will Call you up), cand 6409-6422 Dag Bayegan Harlem email;, cand 6423-5435 Jon Gauslaa tlf 22999322  Thurs, Fri or Mon at 10-15 (if no answer, try email; - leave Your tlf no and he will Call you back)

Published Oct. 27, 2014 10:37 AM

If you have questions regarding the 4-hour exam and the “regulations for support materials” you are welcome to drop by and speak with student advisors, 7 November, from 12.00- 14.30,  in Auditorium 5, 2 th.floor, Domus Academica. See also information regarding the exam posted on the website (on the semester page).

Published Oct. 15, 2014 4:16 PM

Students have the opportunity to submit a mock exam by 24 October in Fronter before 15:00.  The mock exam instruction is posted on the semester page, linked under detailed teaching plan.


Published Oct. 3, 2014 1:25 PM

Are you passionate about international humanitarian law (IHL) and would like to learn more about it? We are in the process of setting up a student team to represent the University of Oslo (UiO) at the world’s major IHL competition, the Jean Pictet Concours.*


If you are interested in being part of the UiO team, please send an email with your CV and a memoaddressing two out of the three questions below.  More information is linked under detailed teaching plan on this web page .

Published Oct. 2, 2014 4:04 PM

The purpose of the mid-term evaluation is to provide feedback to your instructor concerning your learning experiences so far in this course. You will find a short questionnaire in the folder “Evaluation” in Fronter.   

Your responses will help your instructor improve his or her teaching, not only in this course but in other courses as well. Your participation is voluntary and anonymous, you will not be asked for your name or other identifying information. Results are provided only to your instructor, although he or she may share them with others for purposes of professional development.

Thank you for your participation.

Kind regards,
Elisabeth Reien


Published Sep. 18, 2014 11:42 AM

The Norwegian Centre for Humanitarian Studies organizes a book launch and discussion on “The International Politics of Human Rights and the Responsibility to Protect” on 23 October, from 14.00-16.00, at Hausmanns gate 7, Oslo.

Speakers include Monica Serrano (co-editor of the book), Gentian Zyberi (Norwegian Centre for Human Rights) and Eli Stamnes (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs).

For more information on the event, please visit and register at

Published Sep. 15, 2014 1:33 PM

The purpose with this orientation meeting is to give the basic guidelines to international students who don’t have knowledge about the Norwegian examination system.

An introductory course in answering exam questions will be held by Professor Christina Voigt  22 September, 12:15-14:00, Aud 14, Domus Bibliotecha. A booklet with examples of previous exam papers will be distributed at the meeting.


Published Sep. 1, 2014 4:10 PM

If anybody is looking for a study group to discuss matters relating to the course with fellow students, one of our students has offered to act as a contact person that can team interested students up with each other. If you are looking for such study groups, please contact Samina Ansari by e-mail (Please note that this is a private initiative without any involvement from the course teachers.)



Published Aug. 28, 2014 1:06 PM

The prof. is still ill, and will unfortunately not be able to hold the lecture 29 August.A new  date will be found and posted on the message board  as soon as possible, to replace the  seminar .

Published Aug. 27, 2014 12:29 PM

Due to technical issues in Aud 6, we have changed the room for the 1 lecture. Please check the timetable.

Published Aug. 26, 2014 9:32 PM

We regret to inform you that part 1 of the seminar for law  students 27 August is cancelled due to acute illness. The professor plan to teach on Friday 29 August as scheduled, but please check the message board  regularly regarding the class 29 August.  A new  date will be found and posted on the message board  as soon as possible, to replace the lecture of 27 August.

Published Aug. 21, 2014 2:39 PM

We expect that a paperback edition of "Fleck, Dieter; The Handbook of International humanitarian Law"  will be available in the bookshop (Akademika in Domus Nova) from mid-September.

Published Aug. 7, 2014 11:06 AM

Introduction seminar (2x2 h) for bachelor students 27 th and  29th August 08.15- 10.00, Misjonssalen, Tullinsgate 4 . Map

Introduction seminar for bachelor students

The objective of the seminar is to introduce international and Norwegian students to legal systems particularly the EU legal order;

* Methods of study such as case-law method.

* Explain the relationship between Norwegian domestic law,European Union, European Human  Rights Law and International law

The seminar will be a mix of lecture and team work with discussions. Students are recommended to print out and read the materials before the seminar. Materials will be posted on the website approx. one week before the seminar takes place.