Bachelor seminar 27 and 29 August

Introduction seminar (2x2 h) for bachelor students 27 th and  29th August 08.15- 10.00, Misjonssalen, Tullinsgate 4 . Map


Introduction seminar for bachelor students (not compulsory)

The objective of the seminar is to introduce international and Norwegian students to legal systems particularly the EU legal order;

* Methods of study such as case-law method.

* Explain the relationship between Norwegian domestic law,European Union, European Human  Rights Law and International law

The seminar will be a mix of lecture and team work with discussions. Students are recommended to print out and read the materials before the seminar. Materials will be posted on the website approx. one week before the seminar takes place.

Published July 30, 2014 3:37 PM - Last modified Aug. 13, 2014 2:39 PM