Information about the assignment has now been updated - see opposite page.
Remember to submit the assignment within the deadline 4 December, 2009. Students who want to deliver their thesis at an earlier stage, or they want to hand it in via e-mail, should send it to: We appreciate if you could insert in the subject line to the e-mail the following (written in capital letters): EXAM HUMR5190.
Your candidate number will appear in Studentweb from 20 November.
Information about the assignment and the template are now posted on web (see left side).
Postponement of lecture:
The lecture this Friday (16 October) is cancelled. The lecture is postponed to Tuesday 20 October, from 14.15-16, room 365 DN (same room as usual)
On Monday 14 September the lecture has been rescheduled to 13:15-15 (previously 10:15-12) the same day.
Location: Room 540, Domus Nova
Postponement of lecture:The lecture scheduled on Monday 21 September, from 10.15-12, is postponed to 14:15 -16:00 the same day (same place).
A course in Exploring the sources and using them in your thesis will be given on 4 September (see the lecture outline).
There will be three parallell hands-on training workshops/seminars on 22, 29 and 30 September (Workshops I, II and III - see the lecture outline). Students choose only one workshop.
The introductory lecture and the hands-on training workshops will be given by the librarians at the NCHR.