Those who want additional feedback on their results may contact the external examiner Halvor S?tre at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Contact info Halvor:
The grading results are delayed due to unexpected events. We expect the results to be in by afternoon on Monday 12 January.
Please submit your proposed paper topic and summary outline to prof. Cecilia Bailliet before 17 November:
You can find your candidate number (4 digits) in StudentWeb. Look at "your status", then "examinations" and find the course HUMR5134.
The lecture w/ Christina Voigt on 7 November has been moved to 14 November when a double lecture will be arranged instead from 10:15-14:00, please make note of this change of schedule.
Scott Gates et al. "Development Consequences of Armed Conflict" in World Development Vol. 40, No 9 (2012) (free online through Universitetsbilioteket)
Jonathan Good hand. "Enduring Disorder and Persistent Poverty: A Review of the Linkages betwen War and Chronic Poverty" in World Development Vol 31, No 3 (2003) (free online in UB)
See also Katheleen Ho. "Structural Violence as a Human Rights Violation" in Essex Human Rights Review Vol 4 No 2 (2007).
If you only should read one text, read Gates et al.
Due to technical issues in Aud 6, the lecture is moved to Aud4, DA, please see updated timetable.