
Published Jan. 28, 2005 1:00 AM

We ask you to fill out the evaluation form (see opposite page) and submit them by e-mail to or deliver them to the NCHR reception

Published Nov. 30, 2004 1:00 AM

Otto Malmgrens Compilation (3rd edition) may be found at the reception of the Norwegian Centre of Human Rights, (Universitetsgt. 22)

Note that both 2nd and 3rd edition are allowed on the examination day - (and not 3rd edition only)

Published Nov. 22, 2004 1:00 AM

The reading list for which students are responsible on the examination is that stated in the syllabus/achievement requirements section

Published Nov. 17, 2004 1:00 AM

Examinations autumn 2004

An information pamphlet "Reminders about the upcoming exams" is now available at the Infoteket, Faculty of Law building, Domus Academica,1st floor. Students are responsible for keeping themselves informed, and we therefore ask you to read the above mentioned information carefully. (about Book- Control, how to make references in the text, information about how to write a 6-hour exam etc) link

Reference texts: Please see on the left side of this page (title: reference texts - exams) the document regarding which reference texts will be allowed on the exam.

Published Nov. 10, 2004 1:00 AM

Lecture 7 is postponed to12 November from 14:15 -16,DP, room 128.

The first half of the class will be on the right to education. The second half will be on the US electoral system as a case study in political participation and students should read the Bush v. Gore case posted in the handouts section.

Published Nov. 4, 2004 1:00 AM

Lecture 1 which had been rescheduled for 3 November is postponed to 5 November from 14:15 - 16, DP room 220. Read handouts for lecture 1 prior to class

Published Sep. 28, 2004 2:00 AM

An extra lecture is set up on 5 October 14:15-16 in DP room 220.

Students should read prior to the lecture Rhona Smith, p. 205-247 (from the pensum list) and "CCPR General Comment No. 25 (on CCPR Art. 25)". You should also stay tuned to the website for legal cases to have read.

Published Sep. 10, 2004 2:00 AM

Lecture 1 on September 14, is cancelled. It will be rescheduled later. The first class on September 15 will be held as scheduled.