Syllabus/achievement requirements

Auslander, Philip: Performing Glam Rock: Gender & Theatricality in Popular Music, 2006. University of Michigan Press.

Berg, Wolfgang & Ní ?igeartaigh, Aoileann (eds.): Exploring Transculturalism. A Biographical Approach, 2010. Wiesbaden, VS Verlag. The Introduction.

Hawkins, Stan: Apex Twin: monstrous hermaphrodites, madness and the strain of independent dance music, 2007. Helsinki University Press. In (eds) J. Richardson & S. Hawkins Essays on Sound and Vision.

Hawkins, Stan: [Un]Justified: Gestures of Straight-Talk in Justin Timberlake’s Songs, 2007. Routledge. In Jarman-Ivens Oh Boy! Masculinities and Popular Music.

Hawkins, Stan: The British Pop Dandy: Masculinity, Popular Music and Culture, 2009. Ashgate.

Jarman-Ivens, Freya: Oh Boy! Masculinities and Popular Music, 2007. Routledge.

Knudsen, Jan Sverre: Music of the Multiethnic Minority: A Postnational Perspective, 2011. Music and Arts in Action 3 (3).

Krims, Adam: Music and Urban Geography, 2007. Routledge. ISBN:?0-415-97011-3.

McClary, Susan: Feminine Endings: Music, Gender and Sexuality (with a new introduction), 2002. University of Minnesota Press. The introduction (pp. 3-34).

Moisala, Pirkko: Musical Gender in Performance, 2000. Women & Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture 3, pp. 1-17. Fulltext.

Regev, Motti: Ethno-National Pop-Rock Music: Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism Made from Within, 2007. Cultural Sociology 1(3): 317–341.

Sheila Whiteley, Andy Bennett, & Stan Hawkins (eds.): Music, Space and Place: Popular Music and Cultural Identity, 2004. Ashgate. ISBN:?0-7546-3737-9.

Stokes, Martin: On Musical Cosmopolitanism, 2007. The Macalester International Roundtable 2007. Paper 3.

Welsch, Wolfgang: Transculturality – the Puzzling Form of Cultures Today, 1999. London, Sage. In Featherstone, Mike & Lash, Scott (eds.): Spaces of Culture: City, Nation, World. Fulltext.

Published Apr. 3, 2012 1:44 AM - Last modified Aug. 28, 2012 3:31 PM