
Obligatorisk pensum

Danielsen, Anne (2005) Presence and Pleasure: the funk grooves of James Brown and Parliament (Wesleyan University Press), kapittel 3, 4, 5, 6 og 7, ca. 120 sider.

Frith, Simon (1996) Performing Rites (Oxford), 352 sider.

Frith, Simon (1996) Performing Rites (utvalg: kapittel 12 og 13), 30 sider.

Feld, Steven (1994) ”Communication, Music and speech about Music, Keil og Feld, Music Grooves, Chichago. University of Chicago Press, ca 10 sider.

Hawkins, Stan (2002) Settling the Pop Score: Pop texts and identity politics (Ashgate), kapittel 1 og 3, ca. 65 sider.

Moore, Allan ed. (2003) Analyzing Popular Music (Cambridge) kapittel 1, 2, 10 og 11, 88 sider.

Ruud, Even (1992) “Musikalsk stil som emosjonell diskurs”, I Berkaak og Ruud, Den p?begynte virkelighet. 澳门葡京手机版app下载 i samtidkultur, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 31 sider

Sk?rberg, Odd (2003) Da Elvis kom til Norge: Stilbevegeler, verdier og historiekonstruksjon i rocken fra 1955 til 1960 (Oslo: Faculty of Arts), Kapittel 4, 42 sider

Anbefalt litteratur

Cook, Nicholas (1998) Analysing musical multimedia (Oxford), 278sider.

Danielsen, Anne (2001) Presence and Pleasure: a study in the funk grooves of James Brown and Parliament (Faculty of Arts: Oslo), 258 sider.

Fouz-Hernandez, S. & Jarmen-Ivens, F. eds (2004) –Madonna’s Drowned Worlds: New Approaches to her Cultural Transformations 1983-2003– (Aldershot: Ashgate), 223 sider.

Frith, Simon (1996) Performing Rites (Oxford), 352 sider.

Hawkins, Stan (2002) Settling the Pop Score: Pop texts and identity politics (Aldershot: Ashgate), 220sider.

McClary, Susan (1991) Feminine Endings (Minnesota: University of Minnesota), 220 sider.

McClary, Susan (2000) Conventional Wisdom: The content of musical form (London: University of Californian Press), 210sider.

Middleton, Richard (1990) Studying Popular Music (Milton Keynes: Open University Press), 328 sider.

Middleton, Richard (2000) Reading Pop: Approaches to Textual Analysis in Popular Music (Oxford), 388sider.

Moore, Allan (ed) (2003) Analyzing Popular Music (Cambridge University), 270sider.

Sk?rberg, Odd (2003) Da Elvis kom til Norge: Stilbevegeler, verdier og historiekonstruksjon i rocken fra 1955 til 1960 (Faculty of Arts: Oslo), 267 sider.

Théberge, Paul (1997) Any Sound you can Imagine: Making Music/Consuming Technology (Weslyan), 283 sider.

Rose, Tricia (1994). Black Noise. Rap Music and Black Culture in Contemporary America. New England, Wesleyan University Press

Walser, Robert (1993) Running with the Devil: power, gender and madness in heavy metal (Hanover:Weslyan University Press), 222 sider.

Whiteley, S., Bennett, A. & Hawkins, S. eds. (2004) Music, Space and Place: Popular Music and Cultural Identity (Aldershot: Ashgate), 224sider.

Publisert 7. mars 2005 18:58