RITMO: Musical Rhythm, Time, and Motion

Main curriculum

(* Readings accessible through Fronter )

Burger, B., & Toiviainen, P. (2013). MoCap Toolbox – A Matlab toolbox for computational analysis of movement data. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 10th Sound and Music Computing Conference, (SMC), Stockholm, Sweden: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Danielsen, A. (2010). Musical rhythm in the age of digital reproduction. Farnham: Ashgate. (chapter 1)

Honing, H. (2013). Structure and interpretation of rhythm in music. In D. Deutsch (Ed.), Psychology of Music (pp. 369–404). San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press.

Haugen, M. R. (2016). Music–Dance. Investigating Rhythm Structures in Brazilian Samba and Norwegian Telespringar Performance. (Ph.D. thesis Ph.D. ), University of Oslo, Oslo.  (chapter 2, 3, and 4)

London, J. (2012). Hearing in time: psychological aspects of musical meter. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Introduction, Chapter 1, 5, 8, and Conclusion) *

Nymoen, K., Danielsen, A., & London, J. (2017). Validating Attack Phase Descriptors Obtained by the Timbre Toolbox and MIRtoolbox. In Proceedings of the SMC Conferences (pp. 214–219). Aalto University.

Sethares, W. A. (2007). Rhythm and transforms. London: Springer. (chapter 1 and chapter 4)


Optional reading

Danielsen, A. (2010). Musical rhythm in the age of digital reproduction. Farnham: Ashgate.

Danielsen, A. (2015). Metrical ambiguity or microrhythmic flexibility? Analysing groove in “Nasty Girl” by Destiny’s Child. Song Interpretation in 21st-Century Pop Music, 53-72. *

Danielsen, A., Haugen, M. R., & Jensenius, A. R. (2015). Moving to the Beat: Studying Entrainment to Micro-Rhythmic Changes in Pulse by Motion Capture. Timing and Time Perception, 3(1-2), 133–154. doi:10.1163/22134468-00002043

Friberg, A. and A. Sundstr?m (1997). Preferred Swing Ratio in Jazz as a Function of Tempo. Time, Music, and Hearing: Quarterly Progress and Status Report 33: 19-27.

Kvifte, T. (2004). Description of grooves and syntax/process dialectics. Studia musicologica norvegica, 30, 54–77.

Kvifte, T. (2007). Categories and Timing: On the perception of Meter. Ethnomusicology, Vol. 51(No. 1), 64 – 84.

Phillips-Silver, J., and Trainor, L. J. (2005). Feeling the beat: Movement influences infant rhythm perception. Science, 308(5727), 1430 – 1430.

Polak, R. (2010). Rhythmic Feel as Meter: Non-Isochronous Beat Subdivision on Jembe Music from Mali. Music Theory Online, 16(4).

Sethares, W. A. (2007). Rhythm and transforms. London: Springer.

Su, Y.-H., & P?ppel, E. (2012). Body movements enhances the extraction of temporal structures in auditory sequences. Psychological Research, 76(3), 373 -- 382.

Waadeland, C. H. (2001). “It Don’t Mean a Thing If It Ain’t Got That Swing”–Simulating Expressive Timing by Modulated Movements. Journal of New Music Research, 30(1), 23 -- 37.

Published Jan. 5, 2018 10:36 AM - Last modified Jan. 18, 2018 5:30 PM