Musical Rhythm: Aesthetics, Analysis, Cognition

Reading list

* Essential readings are now accessible through Fronter *


Danielsen, Anne (ed.). (2010). Musical Rhythm in the Age of Digital Reproduction. Ashgate/Routledge.

London, Justin. (2012). Hearing in Time. Psychological Aspects of Musical Meter. 2nd edition. Oxford.

Articles and book chapters:

Danielsen A. (2006). Presence and Pleasure. The funk grooves of James Brown and Parliament. Middletown, CT, Wesleyan University Press, chapters 9 and 10.

Danielsen A. (2015). Metrical ambiguity or microrhythmic flexibility? Analysing groove in ‘Nasty Girl’ by Destiny’s Child. In Song Interpretation in 21st-Century Pop Music, 53-72. Ed. R. Appen, A. Doehring, D. Helms and A. F. Moore (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate), pp. 53-72.

Friberg, A. and A. Sundstr?m (1997). Preferred Swing Ratio in Jazz as a Function of Tempo. Time, Music, and Hearing: Quarterly Progress and Status Report 33: 19-27.

Iyer, V. (2002). Embodied mind, situated cognition, and expressive microtiming in African-American music. Music Perception, 19(3), 387–414.

London, J., Burger, B., Thompson, M, and P. Toiviainen. (2016). Speed on the dance floor: Auditory and visual cues for musical tempo. Acta Psychologica 164: 70-80.

Manning, F. C. and M. Schutz (2016). Trained to keep a beat: Movement-related enhancements to timing perception in percussionists and non-percussionists. Psychological Research 80(4): 532-542.

Patel, A. D. and J. R. Daniele (2003). An Empirical Comparison of Rhythm in Language and Music." Cognition, 2003, 87, 1, Feb, B35-B45.

Polak, R. and J. London (2014). Timing and Meter in Mande Drumming from Mali. Music Theory Online 20(1).

Repp, B. H. (2005). Sensorimotor synchronization: A review of the tapping literature. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 12(6): 969-992.

Published June 1, 2016 11:28 AM - Last modified Aug. 24, 2016 10:20 PM