
Litteraturlisten er forel?pig.


Aksnes, H.  (2002). Music and its Resonating Body. Dansk ?rbog for Musikforskning 2001, vol. XXIX, 2002, s. 81-101.

Bonde, L. O. (2009). Musik og Menneske. Fredriksberg: Samfundslitteratur.

Cook, P. (Ed.) (1999). Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Kapittel 1, 2 og 3. (Finnes som e-bok ved UB:,contains,02147589x&vid=UBO

Gabrielsson, A. (2010). Strong experiences with music. I Juslin & Sloboda (eds.) Handbook of Music and Emotion. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hodges, D. A. (2009). Bodily responses to music. I Hallam, S., Cross, I., & Thaut, M. (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Juslin, P. N., Liljestr?m, S., V?stfj?ll, D. & Lundquist, L.-O. (2010). How does music evoke emotions? Exploring the underlying mechanisms. I Juslin & Sloboda (eds.) Handbook of Music and Emotion. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Malloch, S. & Trevarthen, C.  (2009). Musicality: Communicating the vitality and interests in life. I: Malloch & Trevarthen (Eds.) Communicative Musicality. Exploring the Basis of Human Companionship. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-15.

North, A. & Hargreaves, D. (2008). The Social and Applied Psychology of Music. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kapittel 4 (s. 165-236) og 5 (s. 256-297).

Ruud, E. (2013). Musikk og identitet. 2. utg. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kapittel 2 (identitet, musikkopplevelse og minnearbeid), 3 (det personlige rom) og 6 (det transpersonlige rom).

Sk?nland, M. (2013). Everyday music listening and affect regulation: The role of MP3 players. IJQHW, 8, 29-38. 

Sloboda, J. A. (2010). Music in everyday life: the role of emotions. I Juslin & Sloboda (eds.) Handbook of Music and Emotion. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Snyder, B., 2000. Music and Memory. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Side 1-192

Anbefalt litteratur:

Aksnes, H. & Ruud, E. (2008). Body-based schemata in receptive music therapy. Musicae scientiae, vol. XII, no. 1, Spring 2008, pp. 49-74.

Clarke, E. (2003). Music and Psychology. I Clayton, Herbert & Middleton (eds.) The Cultural Study of Music: A critical introduction. NY/London: Routledge, pp. 113-123.

Clarke, E., Dibben, N. & Pitts, S. (2010). Music and Mind in Everyday Life. Oxford: Oxford University press. Kapittel 10: The psychology of music - an overview.

Hallam, S., Cross, I., & Thaut, M. (eds.) (2008). Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Juslin, P. N. (2011). Music and emotion: Seven questions, seven answers. I: I. Deliège & J. Davidson (Eds.), Music and the mind: Essays in honour of John Sloboda (pp. 113-135). New York: Oxford University Press.

Malloch, S. & Trevarthen, C. (Eds.) Communicative Musicality. Exploring the Basis of Human Companionship. Oxford: Oxford University Press

North, A. & Hargreaves, D. (2008). The Social and Applied Psychology of Music. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ruud, E. (2013). Musikk og identitet. 2. utg. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Published Dec. 2, 2013 2:03 PM - Last modified Jan. 21, 2014 7:54 PM