Remember that all 4 assignments need to be delivered in Fronter before 07:00 on 1 December.
I will be available during regular class hours on 2 December for questions.
- I have posted assignment 4 which will happen during the regular lecture hours next week
- All assignments need to be submitted by 18 November
I have put up a screencast based of the PD patch I showed in the last lecture.
I have received some questions, so here is a quick update about the home exam. The exam will be in two parts, each of which should be 5 pages of text (10 pages in total). The first part will be 5 questions taken from the whole curriculum. The second part will be your own topic. Examples of topic:
- Comparative study of 3 different microphones
- Analysis of the acoustics in your home studio
- Analysis of the voice of your favourite jazz artist
- Theoretical discussion of the importance of windows and window sizes in FFT
- ...
Messages from today:
- I have updated the patches that were used in class
- Remember to send in your suggestion for your semester project before Monday 25th! Contact me if you have not decided on a topic yet.
- Assignment 3 has been posted
- Assignment 1 has been corrected, and Assignment 2 is on its way. Check the comments in Fronter.
- An excellent overview of sound synthesis in PD (and of the related theory)
- The NIME 2011 conference will be organised here in Oslo
Er du mellom 16-22 ?r, og interessert i lyd- og videomanipulering? Da inviteres du til og Piksel's PureData-workshop i Bergen 13-17. november.
Husk ? sende inn skjemaet Melding om tittel p? semesteroppgave
Frist: Mandag 25. oktober
A few things from today:
- The home exam will be in the form of a 10 page text document. 5 pages will be devoted to answering 5 questions from the curriculum. The other 5 pages is for your own little research project in the world of sound theory. The title for this will need to be handed in to the department on 25 October, so please try to come up with a title that we can discuss next week.
- Next week we will go through various types of sound synthesis in PD, so bring your laptop.
- The conference we are organizing next year is called NIME
Remember that there will be a lecture this coming Thursday (7 October), even though this is the "study week". We need all the coming Thursdays to be able to get through all the planned lectures in the course.
Today's presentation is available here and Assignment 2 has been posted here (due 14.10.). Check out this excellent music acoustics page for more details on many of the things mentioned during the lecture.
There will be no lectures this and next week (16 & 23 September), due to paternity leave (f?dselspermisjon). There will be no changes to the lecture plan, only the dates will be pushed forward two weeks. Lecture #4 on musical instruments will be 30 September.
Please continue to read in the book, and practice working with the software.
I have posted the description of Assignment 1 which is due 17 September (submissions should be done in Fronter ). If you struggle with PD, I have uploaded some video tutorials in Norwegian here and there are also many tutorials in English on YouTube . Remember to start reading in the book, chapter numbers are given for each lecture . You are not expected to understand all the math, so you can gently jump over equations and parts that are not relevant.
Remember to bring the following to class on Thursday: laptop, headset, sound files (AIFF/WAV). It would be good if you download and install the software so that we can get started as quickly as possible.
I have uploaded a PDF of the presentation, as well as a zip-file with the PD patches to the lecture material folder
Since (at least) one exchange student has signed up for the course, it will be offered in English this fall semester. Welcome to the first lecture on Thursday at 09:15, Sem 1.
Velkommen til Lydteori 1 h?sten 2010! Her vil du f? en innf?ring i lydteoriens spennende verden, med en gjennomgang av de viktigste teoretiske elementene samt praktiske ?velser.