
Forel?pig bibliografi

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Gabbard, K. (red.) (1995): Jazz Among the Discourses. (Duke University Press).

Gabbard, K. (red.) (1995): Representing Jazz. (Duke University Press).

O’Meally, R. G. (red.) (1998): The Jazz Cadence of American Culture. (Columbia University Press).

Gendron, B. (2002): Popular Music and the Avant-Garde. Between Montmatre and the Muddclub. (The University Of Chicago Press).

Eriksen, Espen (2001): Fertile Crossing in Jazz. En problematisering av definisjon og stil i jazz p? slutten av det 20.?rhundre. (Hovedoppgave ved IMT). Johnson, B. (2000): The Inaudible Music. Jazz, Gender and Australian Modernity. (Currency Press).

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Publisert 7. mars 2005 18:42