
Publisert 30. apr. 2008 10:13

Remember the date for delivering in your essays is 26 May. Check the exact time and details for presentation well in advance.

We would also like you to give us feedback on the course and shortly we will be attaching a questionaire for you to fill in and send over electronically.

Good luck with your semesteroppgaver!!!

Publisert 9. apr. 2008 16:03

Veiledningsmuligheten/Supervision Friday 11 April, 10-12 noon. Any students wishing to see professor Stan Hawkins in respect to their essays/seminar/hypothesis can drop between 10-12 noon. I'll put a timetable form on my door. 20 minutes maximum time. Welcome!

Publisert 4. apr. 2008 17:26

Dear students, there has been some controversy concerning the date mentioned for delivery of title and "problemstilling" for your term paper (Semesteroppgave). The first we would like to say is: Don't panic! You should present your 'problemstilling' at the seminars for approval. Although it is not obligatory to have this approved by the 10 April, you are welcome to discuss this with your respective seminar tutors beforehand through email or appointment. For those students that turned up at the seminar on the 2. of April, you can send the final title and problemstilling to Kyrre Tromm Lindvig in about a week. Remember: This is to help you get started with the process of writing your term paper. You will not fail if the title or problemstilling needs reworking, we will tell you. You will however not be allowed to deliver your term paper if you do not turn up for your seminar presentation.

Publisert 13. mars 2008 09:29

During the next two weeks read the following chapters that deal explicitly with African American related issues in popular music studies:

Anne Danielsen (2006) Presence and Pleasure (Wesleyan University Press) Chapter 1, pp. 3-36

Simon Frith (1996) Performing Rites (Oxford) Chapter 6, pp. 123-144.

Publisert 3. mars 2008 10:01

Read Chapter 1 of Michel Chion's Audio-Vision for Stan Hawkins' forthcoming lecture on 12 March. A copy of this can be borrowed. Please check your name is on the seminar group list and get in touch if this is not the case, right away.

Publisert 27. feb. 2008 15:09

Note that Kyrre Tromm Lindvig's lecture on music in TV is moved to the 7th of May - there will be no lecture on the 26th of March. Also note that the date for the last seminar group is the 30th of April, and not the 29th as previously stated. All groups seminars take place in Salen in the same time slot as the lectures.

Publisert 22. feb. 2008 17:16

The groups for the seminars have now been established. (NB! see under "Seminarer" on the left for an overview). Every student will have to present one topic (preferably in connection with the theme of the students term paper). Each group consists of seven students, if one cannot make it at the given time, change internally. However, there must be the same amount of students at each session - so find someone who can step in for you instead. Please also note that this presentation (it only needs to be approx. 10 minutes, so don't worry) is mandatory.

Publisert 12. feb. 2008 11:14

Relevant literature for Kyrre Tromm Lindvig's lecture 'Remix, politics and radioactivity - A contextual analysis of Kraftwerk's "Radioactivity"' on the 20. of February includes:

  • Feld, Steven & Keil, Charles. 1994. Music Grooves. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (esp. chapter 2)

  • Hawkins, Stan 2003: "Feel the beat come down: house music as rhetoric", chapter 5 in Moore, Allan (ed) Analyzing Popular Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Publisert 17. jan. 2008 17:23

Anbefalt lesning f?r kursstart:

Allan Moore (2001), ss. 1-32.

Negus (1996), ss. 99-135.

Walser (1993), ss.ix-xviii

Hawkins (2002), ss. 1-35

Detaljer om kurset og om semesteroppgaven vil bli gitt p? f?rste forelesning.

OBS! Man kan l?ne en kopi av ovennevnte utdrag som ligger i ekspedisjon.