PENSUM: (ca. 400 sider)
HOVEDBOK: Berendt, Joachim-Ernst. 2009. The Jazz Book: From Ragtime to the 21st Century (7th Edition). Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books.
Gabbard, Krin. 1995. (red.) Jazz Among The Discourses. Durham: Duke University Press. (Introduksjon)
Lewis, George E. 1996. “Improvised Music after 1950: Afrological and Eurological Perspectives.” Black Music Research Journal Vol. 16, No. 1, 91-122.
Nettl, Bruno. 1998. (red.) “Introduction: An Art Neglected in Scholarship.” In the Course of Performance. Studies in the World of Musical Improvisation. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1- 26.
Walser, Robert. 1995. “ ‘Out of Notes’: Signification, Interpretation, and the Problem of Miles Davis.” Krin Gabbard (red.) Jazz Among The Discourses. Durham: Duke University Press, 165-188.
Weisethaunet, Hans. 1999. “Critical Remarks on the Nature of Improvisation”, Nordic Journal of Music Theraphy, 8(2), 143-155.
I tillegg kommer et utvalg musikkeksempler/analyser som blir gjennomg?tt/delt ut i undervisningen.
Foresl?tt tilleggslitteratur: (Ca. 300 sider velges individuelt herfra.)
Bailey, Derek. 1993. Improvisation. Its Nature and Practice in Music. London: National Sound Archive.
Berliner, Paul F. 1994. Thinking in Jazz. The Infinite Art of Improvisation.. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Bj?rklund, Terje. 2000. Moderne jazz-improvisasjon. 2. utgave. Oslo: Norsk musikkforlag.
Born, Lewis, and Straw. 2017. (red.) Improvisation and Social Aesthetics. Duram: Duke University Press, 1 - 159.
Cage. John. [1961] 1973. Silence. Lectures and Writings. Hanover NH: Wesleyan University Press.
Cooke, Mervyn. 2017. Pat Metheny: The ECM Years, 1975-1984. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Goodrick, Mick. 1987. The Advancing Guitarist. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard Co.
Heble, Aja. 2015. The Improvisation Studies Reader. Oxon: Routledge.
Heffley, Mike. 2005. Northern Sun, Southern Moon. Europe’s Reinvention of Jazz. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Jost, Ekkehard. 1994. Free Jazz. Da Capo Press.
Lewis, George E. 2008. A Power Stronger Than Itself: The AACM and American Experimental Music. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Monson, Ingrid. 1996. Saying Something. Jazz Improvisation and Interaction. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Nettl, Bruno. 1998. (red.) In the Course of Performance. Studies in the World of Musical Improvisation. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Rush, Stephen. 2017. Free Jazz, Harmolodics, and Ornette Coleman. New York: Routledge.
Russell, George. 1959. Lydian Chromatic Concept of Tonal Organization for Improvisation. Concept Publishing, New York.
Ruud, Even. 1996. Music Therapy: Improvisation, Communication, and Culture. Barcelona: Barcelona Publishers.
Waters, Keith. 2011. The Studio Recordings of the Miles Davis Quintet, 1965-68. Oxford: Oxford University Press.