B?ker som b?r kj?past:
- Hanken, Ingrid M. og Geir Johansen. 2013. Musikkundervisningens didaktikk. Oslo: Cappelens Akademiske Forlag.
- Johansen, Geir, Signe Kalsnes og ?ivind Vark?y 2004. Musikkpedagogiske utfordringer. Oslo: Cappelen Akademiske forlag.
- S?ther, Morten og Elin Angelo Aalberg. 2006. Barnet og musikken. Innf?ring i musikkpedagogikk for f?rskolel?rerstudenter. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Pensum (obligatorisk pensum er utheva).
Austin, James, Renwick, James, & McPherson, Gary (2006): Developing motivation. I (McPherson, Gary, red): The Child as Musician. A handbook of musical development.Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
Bamberger, Jeanne (2006): What develops in musical development? I (McPherson, Gary, red): The Child as Musician. A handbook of musical development. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
Bj?rck, Cecilia (2012): Musikprojekt riktade mot tjejer: Potential, problematik och paradoxer. I: Lundin, Johan A. (red.) Intro. En antologi om Musik och Samh?lle. Malm?: Kira forlag.
Blix, Hilde Synn?ve og Lilli Mittner. 2019. Kj?nn og skj?nn i kunstfagene – et balanseprosjekt. Troms?: Norges Arktiske Universitet, Musikkonservatoriet. Kapittel 7: Verkt?y for likestillingsarbeid, 120-129.
Burnard, Pamela (2006): The individual and social worlds of children?s creativity. ? I (McPherson, Gary, red): The Child as Musician. A handbook of musical development. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
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Green, Lucy. 2008. Music, Informal Learning and the School: A New Classroom Pedagogy. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishers.
Hanken, Ingrid M. og Geir Johansen 2013. Musikkundervisningens didaktikk. Oslo: Cappelens Akademiske Forlag . Kap 1-7, 9, 11-14
Jellison, Judith (2006): Including everyone. I (McPherson, Gary, red): The Child as Musician. A handbook of musical development.Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
Johansen, Guro Gravem (2004): Kj?nnsproblematikk – relevant for ein musikkpedagog? Arabesk 2-04
Johansen, Guro Gravem. 2017. “Genres, values, and music pedagogy students’ identity formation as music teachers in spe”. I Utdanningsforskning i musikk – didaktiske, sosiologiske og filosofiske perspektiver, redigert av Siw Graabr?k Nielsen og ?ivind Vark?y. Oslo: NMH-publikasjoner 2017:10.
Johansen, Guro Gravem. I publisering. Children’s guided participation in jazz improvisation: the case study of Improbasen. (Utdrag kap 3: Improbasen as gender activism. 1-6). London: Routledge.
Kalsnes, Signe. 2017. Musikkfaget i grunnskolen. I Utdanningsforskning i musikk – didaktiske, sosiologiske og filosofiske perspektiver, redigert av Siw Graabr?k Nielsen og ?ivind Vark?y. Oslo: NMH-publikasjoner 2017:10. (69-90)
Knudsen, Jan Sverre. 2004. Musikkulturelt mangfold – forskjeller og fellesskap. I: Musikkpedagogiske utfordringer redigert av Geir Johansen, Signe Kalsnes og ?ivind Vark?y . Oslo: Cappelen Akademiske forlag.
McPherson, Gary & Davison, Jane (2006): Playing an instrument. I (McPherson, Gary, red): The Child as Musician. A handbook of musical development.Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
McPherson, Gary & Williamon, Aaron (2006): Giftedness and talent. I (McPherson, Gary, red): The Child as Musician. A handbook of musical development.Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
Nerland, Monica. 2004. ”Kunnskapsformer i musikk”. I: Musikkpedagogiske utfordringer redigert av Geir Johansen, Signe Kalsnes og ?ivind . Oslo: Cappelen Akademiske forlag.
Niland, Amanda. 2009. ‘The Power of Musical Play: The Value of Play-Based, Child-Centered Curriculum in Early Childhood Music Education.’ General Music Today 23 (1):17-21.
Nielsen, Siw Graabr?k. 2004. Strategisk l?ring p? instrumentet. I: Musikkpedagogiske utfordringer redigert av Geir Johansen, Signe Kalsnes og ?ivind Vark?y . Oslo: Cappelen Akademiske forlag
Rebne, Rune, and Jon Helge S?tre. 2019. ‘Improvisation in primary school settings: Discovering the play of music making.’ In Expanding the Space for Improvisation Pedagogy in Music: A Transdisciplinary Approach, edited by Guro Gravem Johansen, Kari Holdhus, Christina Larsson and Una MacGlone, 133-146. London: Routledge.
S?ther, Morten og Elin Angelo Aalberg (2006): Barnet og musikken. Innf?ring i musikkpedagogikk for f?rskolel?rerstudenter. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kap 2-7
S?tre, Jon Helge og Geir Salvesen (red.) 2010. Allmenn musikkundervisning – perspektiver p? praksis. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk Forlag. kap 1.
S?derman, Johan (2014): Musikpedagogen som frig?rande folkbildare. I: Vark?y, ?ivind och Johan S?derman (red): Musik f?r alla. Filosofiska och didaktiska perspektiv p? musik, bildning och samh?lle. Lund: Studentlitteratur
S?lj?, Roger (2001). L?ring i praksis. Et sosiokulturelt perspektiv. Oslo: Cappelen akademisk forlag. (kap 2-6). 128 sider
Trevarthen, C. & Malloch, S. 2018. “Musicality and Musical Culture: Sharing Narratives of Sound from Early Childhood”. Redigert av McPherson, G. E. & Welch, G. F. Music Learning and Teaching in Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence. An Oxford Handbook of Music Education. Volume 2. New York: Oxford University Press.
Vestad, Ingeborg Lunde. 2014. ‘Children’s subject positions in discourses of music in everyday life: Rethinking conceptions of the child in and for music education.’ Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education 13 (1):248-278.
Vinge, John. 2017. “What Is Good and Bad Children’s Music? Exploring Quality and Value in Music for Children. InFormation 6 (2): 1-15
Welch, Graham (2006): Singing and vocal development. I (McPherson, Gary, red): The Child as Musician. A handbook of musical development.Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
Wilson, Graeme B. and Ramond A.R. MacDonald. 2019. “A life of its own: teaching group improvisation through responsive choices.” In Expanding the Space for Improvisation Pedagogy in Music: A Transdisciplinary Approach, edited by Guro Gravem Johansen, Kari Holdhus, Christina Larsson and Una MacGlone, 133-146. London: Routledge.