Notes from Flashmob discussion


  • Starts with a girl putting money in the hat: unclear expectations → turns into staged event
  • The musicians moved between people → made connection with audience
  • Started as a formal performance, then became more informal

The musicians  

  • More and more musicians enter the “stage” and more people came to listen
  • Conductor mimicked the music (mimesis) – imitation

The audience  

  • Kids (and others) imitated conductor
  • Difference between younger and older: kids with more energy (dancing and jumping), older people standing still (but still enjoying)
  • Turned from passive into active listeners: moving and facial expression (major scale, upbeat, good melody)
  • People connected with each other

The setting

  • Square turned into a music hall – man in suit → unformal space turned into “concert hall”
  • Grand scale and sound – people might also feel the sound
  • The unformal space made the classical music more approachable → could move more than in a concert hall
  • 1 minute: baby crying – parents hushing
  • People formed in circle


  • The well-known tune made it more approachable


  • Good sound and video recording
  • People documented the experience with their phone
  • Do we know who are the actors and who is not.
Published Sep. 1, 2017 10:11 AM - Last modified Sep. 1, 2017 10:16 AM