Term paper

Examination: Term paper

Term paper (10 pages, each containing approx. 2.300 characters, spaces not included). Any figures come in addition . You may submit the term paper in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English. 

Submission deadline: 20 November at 13:00. 

Information about the examination HERE.

Structure of the paper

The are no templates here, but we typically expect the structure to be something like this:

  • Introduction: briefly describe the topic, your motivation for writing it, the research question(s) and definitions of important concepts that you use
  • Theoretical background: unless you write a completely theoretical paper, it is good to have a separate section to show that you know some of the relevant literature that supports the topic you are writing on. Here you should start from the reading list of the course, but it is also smart to include something else (try a search on Google Scholar).
  • Method: it is important that you explain what you have been doing, and how you have been doing it. Try to reflect on why the method(s) you have chosen are the best for you.
  • Analysis/reflection: this is the core part of what you have been finding.
  • Conclusion: here you should try to briefly summarize your finding, and try to answer the question(s) you posed in the introduction.
  • References: remember to cite everything you have been using from other people (see below).


Your term paper should be your own independent work. Always state very clearly what is your own thinking and what you have read elsewhere. To enable the reader to retrieve your sources, you must include source references within your text as you go along. List all your sources at the end of your thesis.

For example: 

  • God?y, Rolf Inge (2010). Gestural Affordances of Musical Sound. In R. I. God?y & M. Leman (Eds.) Musical gestures: Sound, movement, and meaning, (pp. 103–125). Routledge. 
  • Music Moves: 2.9 Exploring sound-producing actions. Article from online course. https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/music-moves/2/steps/91187 (Accessed October 18, 2016).

When you refer to the MOOC in the text you can for example write (Music Moves: 2.9 Exploring sound-producing actions).

Read more about use of sources and citations:

Published Oct. 27, 2017 11:36 AM - Last modified Oct. 29, 2017 8:09 AM