Poster Presentation

One obligatory seminar presentation must be approved by the course tutor for a student to be able to sit the exam.

The student presentations will be organized as a poster session.

  • Make a small poster (printed in A3 format) that presents the topic of your term paper: The title, the research question, the theory, the methods you will use, pictures etc.You can use power point or equivalent to create the poster (for example “Presentation” in Open office or you can use word.
  • Prepare a short oral presentation of your poster (1–2 min.). 

Upload your poster (preferably in pdf-format) to the “Student presentations” folder in Fronter.

Deadline: No later than 3 PM the day before your presentation.


3. November 10. November 17. November
Emilie Leonard ?ystein
  Maria Juno
  Matias Lene
Vegard Mignote Heidi


Published Oct. 26, 2017 1:48 PM - Last modified Nov. 3, 2017 11:06 AM