Term paper

Term paper (10 pages, each containing approx. 2.300 characters, spaces not included) with title and research question to be approved by the course tutor. The deadline for submitting the title of your term paper, including the research question (problemstilling), is October 21. Supervision will be offered during week 42. Please use the folder "Essay titles" in Fronter for your submission. 


You may submit the term paper in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English. 

Submission deadline: 21 November at 13:00.  


Use the folder "Exam Paper" in Fronter for your submission. 



Your term paper should be your own independent work. Always state very clearly what is your own thinking and what you have read elsewhere. To enable the reader to retrieve your sources, you must include source references within your text as you go along. List all your sources at the end of your thesis.

For example: 

If you refer to the online course in the text you can for example write (Music Moves: 2.9 Exploring sound-producing actions).

Read more about use of sources an citations:



You may write a theoretical paper based on the required reading (and optional reading) or you can have a theory part followed by a short analysis:




Examples from previous term papers



En semesteroppgave (10 sider à 2300 tegn, mellomrom ikke medregnet) skal leveres til fastsatt frist i slutten av semesteret. Denne skal v?re en selvstendig redegj?relse for en problemstilling hentet fra feltet musikk og bevegelse. Tittel og problemstilling bestemmes av studenten i samr?d med fagl?rer(e).

Eksempler p? tema

Det er mulig ? skrive en helt teoretisk oppgave med utgangspunkt i litteraturlisten (og tilst?tende litteratur), eller du kan gj?re en praktisk analyseoppgave basert p? noen av teknikkene vi har g?tt gjennom p? kurset. Det er ogs? mulig ? b?de ha med en teoridel og en kortere analysedel.



Forslag til oppgaver

Eksempler p? oppgaver fra V2009