
Published Nov. 14, 2016 8:49 PM

Hello! As the sound files and notes on the bottom of the slides were not included in the pdf version of Hallgjerd Aksnes’ lecture “Music, bodily metaphors, and emotion”, the powerpoint has been uploaded in its original version on Fronter. All of the slides are presented in both English and Norwegian to aid both the Norwegian and English-speaking students, and I have made separate slides with student descriptions of Tveitt’s Hardanger fiddle concerto that were read out loud while  playing the music examples and showing illustrations of the students’ imagery. Good luck with your term papers, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, and please forgive my only partial translation from Norwegian of the term PHysiognomic (which I discovered only after having uploaded the powerpoint)! Best regards, Hallgjerd

Published Oct. 28, 2016 3:22 PM

Student presentations

Next Friday, November 4, we will have our first student poster presentation session. The student presentation is obligatory. It is important that you all attend these poster sessions. Those of you who are not presenting are equally important, since your role is to comment on the posters.


The students presenting on Friday November 4th are:

Stine Larsen, Torstein Nipe, Weronika Nyka, Ingvild Andersgaard, Miriam Kj?len, Sandra Josefine Moen-Gunthe and Anne Bj?rg Halse Lervik (see also ).


Term paper examples

I have now got the permission to upload two examples of previous term papers on Fronter (one in Norwegian from this course en one in Englis...

Published Oct. 24, 2016 11:43 AM

Lecture October 28

  • Reading: Haugen (2016) Chapter 2 (see Syllabus)


  • Bring a video that contains music and dance. Choose a short excerpt from the video (10–30 sec) where you experience that the correspondence between the music and the dance is particularly good.


Student presentations November 4 and 11 (obligatory)

If you haven’t signed up for the student presentations yet (see here), you must send me an email as soon as possible with your preferred date. There will be nine presentations per day.


Obligatory assignments and essay titles

The obligatory assignments and essay titles have been reviewed. They are commented in Fronter. 

Published Oct. 10, 2016 10:15 PM

Message from Sofia Dahl:

"For the lecture on Expressiveness of performers' body movements Friday Oct 14:
Bring one or two videos of music performances where you see communicative movements being used. You should have watched the videos through once already but you don't have to analyse in detail, you will do that during class."

Published Oct. 7, 2016 3:52 PM

Important information about a change of schedule, the term paper, student presentations, and the obligatory assignment is posted on the semester page for MUS2006. You should also have a look at Important dates and deadlines.

Here is an overview:

  • Change of schedule: Sofia Dahl will give her lectur...
Published Oct. 3, 2016 1:37 AM

NB! Please note that there has been a change of schedule for MUS2006-Music and Body Movements:

Sofia Dahl will give her lecture "Expressiveness of performers’ body movements" on Oct. 14.

Hallgjerd Aksnes will give her lecture "Music, bodily metaphors, and emotion" on Oct. 21.

Published Sep. 15, 2016 1:15 PM

Tomorrow we will have a look at Sonic Visualiser, so please bring your laptop if you have one. We will also visit our motion capture lab.


See you tomorrow!




Published Sep. 8, 2016 11:07 AM

Message from Hans:

Hi. On Friday we'll meet at 9:15 as usual, but instead of a lecture you'll be working together in groups on tasks that are related to this week's topic in Music Moves. Everybody has to finish going through first week of the MOOC before class and I would like everyone also to bring a computer (if you have one) - you will need it to work on the tasks.

See you tomorrow!


Published Sep. 2, 2016 5:49 PM

On Monday, September 5th, the massive open online course (mooc) Music Moves starts. The course stretches over six weeks, with a gradual increase in topics and complexity.


You are expected to read the articles, watch the videos, do the quizzes, and discuss and exchange ideas online with your fellow learners in the mooc every week. In addition, each week one group will have a particluar responsibilty to gather the main tendensies from the discussion threads in that week. The group assignment is obligatory. 

You find more information about the group assignment here

Published June 30, 2016 4:52 PM

In this course we will investigate the correspondences between music and motion from different perspectives. The course will include theory, methods, and practical exercises. Lectures and seminars will take place on Fridays (09.15-11.00) starting on August 26th.

Music Moves

In weeks 36-41 this on-campus course is coordinated with the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) entitled Music Moves: Why Does Music Make You Move. During these six weeks you will follow the online course; read articles and watch videos covering different topics (for an overview of the main topics with corresponding subtopics see the Schedule). Through open questions you will discuss and ex...