INFO FOR STUDENTS ? Assignments …


Assignments Four individual assignments (approved by teacher) and one individual presentation of the proposed essay in a seminar are required before the final essay is submitted.

Exam information FINAL: An essay assignment that consists of c.10-12 pages (each 2300 characters without spaces).

The student submits a temporary proposal of topic before 25 February and a final version of theme, reading list etc 1 April. The student presents his/her proposed essay in a seminar. The essay is finally submitted in FRONTER, at the latest 21 May.

Assessment and grading Course grades are awarded on a descending scale using alphabetic grades from A to E for passes and F for fail.

Literature (core)

Grinde, Nils: A history of Norwegian music. (Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press, 1991)

Maager?, Eva & Birte Simonsen (ed.): Norway - Society and Culture. (Portal:Kristiansand, 2008)

Storey, John: Inventing Popular Culture. From Folklore to Globalization (Chpt 6&8 on www)

Weisethaunet, Hans: ”Historiography and complexities: why is music ‘national’?” (on:)

?yvind ?sterud: "Norwegian Nationalism in European Context" (p. 29-39) in S?rensen, ?ystein (ed): Nationalism in small European nations. (KULTs skriftserie no 47), Oslo 1996 (also in this book: Miroslav Hroch: "Specific Features of the Nation-Forming" (p. 7-28))

?ystein S?rensen: "The Development of a Norwegian National Identity during the Nineteenth Century", in S?rensen, ?ystein (ed): Nordic paths to national identity in the nineteenth century. (KULTs skriftserie no 22), Oslo 1994

and material we gradually will accumulate through your assignments.

Listening material will be found at the library and in Vollsnes, A.O.: Norges musikkhistorie vol. 1-5. (Reserved at the reading room at Sophus Lies hus, on loan from the HUMSAM library.)


Published Dec. 22, 2011 10:43 AM - Last modified Apr. 26, 2012 8:38 PM