MEVIT4990 – Master Thesis practical

Course content

The Master’s Degree thesis is to be considered as a scientific investigation of a theoretical or empirical kind; it represents an independent piece of research work, carried out under supervision. This type of work on a Master’s Degree thesis consists of two parts, practical production and a theoretical part. The practical production may consist of an audio-visual or multi-media production. The theoretical part may be either critico-theoretical reflection on the coming into being of the product, its reception or “language”, means and theme. The two parts shall relate to each other in such a way that either the practical part exemplifies or demonstrates the theoretical or analytical points in the written part, or it is used as material for the theoretico-analytical reflection in the written part.

Learning outcome

The work on the Master’s Degree thesis is intended to provide research competence in and insight into problematic issues and methods of work in media science. The writing of the thesis will provide students with training in developing research projects from original idea to fully completed research report in the form of a Master’s Degree dissertation. This course of study prepares students for further Ph.D. studies.


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Formal prerequisite knowledge

A Bachelor’s Degree in Media Studies equivalent recognised education. A Cand. Mag. Degree with Media Studies at Mellomfag (Intermediate) level or equivalent approved education.

Recommended previous knowledge

The work on the Master’s Degree thesis builds on knowledge students have acquired during their studies for the Bachelor’s Degree.


1st semester: Course in project outlining that provides students with help in producing project ideas and project descriptions. Students are assigned a temporary supervisor when the person in charge of the course has approved the draft of the project description. 2nd and 3rd semesters: further work on project description. Students are assigned a supervisor when the project description has been approved by the Board of the Programme. The description ought to have been approved by the end of the 3rd semester. Writing seminars: discussion of the literature, research design, methodological approaches, choice of empirical material, drafts of chapters, empirical studies and analyses. Some individual supervision. 4th semester: Some writing seminars, as the case may be. Mainly individual supervision.


A practical master thesis consists of a media product (e.g., a film, a web project etc.) and a written thesis of up to 65 pages. A commission consisting of one internal examiner and one external examiner assesses both the practical and theoretical parts. The two parts count as a whole. An oral examination of up to one hour may adjust the final grade.

Your master thesis must be submitted in full text to DUO. Read more about DUO

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about the grading system.

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn
Spring and autumn
Teaching language