Teaching plan

For full literature references, please see reading list

Updated 29 December 09.

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
18.01.2010Terje Rasmussen? 1015-12 Room 205 ? Introductory course for students without MEVIT2800 (or similar)? For this course, students may choose between the following three books:

Gr?nmo, Sigmund (2004). Samfunnsvitenskapelige metoder. Fagbokforlaget.

?stbye, Helge, Helland, Knut, Knapskog, Karl and Larsen, Leif Ove (2007) Metodebok for medievitenskap. Bergen : Fagbokforlaget.

Chambliss, Daniel F. and Schutt, Russell K. (2003). Making Sense of the Social World: Methods of Investigation, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.?

20.01.2010Terje Rasmussen? 1015-12 Room 205? Introductory course for students without MEVIT2800 (or similar)? ?
22.01.2010Terje Rasmussen? 1015-12 Room 205? Introductory course for students without MEVIT2800 (or similar)? ?
25.01.2010Tore Slaatta? 1015-12 Room 205? Epistemology and Methodology in a Transdisciplinary Field? Literature:

Bruhn Jensen, Klaus (2002). “The state of convergence in media and communication research” Ch 1 in Klaus Bruhn Jensen (ed).

Bruhn Jensen, Klaus (2002). “The complementarity of qualitative and quantitative methodologies in media and communication research” Ch 15 in Klaus Bruhn Jensen (ed).

Murdoch, Graham (2002) “Media, Culture and Modern Times” Ch 3 in Klaus Bruhn Jensen (ed).

Foiler: 1, 2, 3. ?

08.02.2010Arne H. Krumsvik? 1015-12 Room 205? Comparative Analysis? Literature:

Lijphart, Arend (1971). Comparative Politics and the Comparative Method.

Frendreis, John P. (1983) Explanation of Variation and Detection of Covariation: The Purpose and Logic of Comparative Analysis.

Collier, David (1993). The Comparative Approach.?

15.02.2010Sigurd Allern? 1015-12 Room 205? Content Analysis? Literature:

Neuendorf, Kimberly A (2002). Content Analysis Guidebook, Sage. Chapters 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. ?

26.02.2010SEMINAR: Karoline? 205, 1015-1200 and 1215-1400? Introduction? We discuss the seminar program and get to know each other. Different research questions will be given and the students will discuss what kinds of methods that could be used, and strengths and weaknesses with these.


05.03.2010SEMINAR: Karoline? 205, 1015-1200 and 1215-1400? Comparative Analysis and Content Analysis ? Group work: The students will solve exercises given in last week's seminar. We will go through the answers together.


08.03.2010Arne H. Krumsvik? 1015-12 Room 205? Case Study Research? Literature:

Yin, Robert K. (2008): Case study research Ch 1 – 3

Flyvbjerg, Bent (2006): Five misunderstandings about case-study research?

15.03.2010Ragnar Waldahl? 1015-12 Room 205? Causal Analysis? Literature:

Hellevik, Ottar (1988) Introduction to Causal Analysis. Chapters 1-4.

Bruhn Jensen, Klaus (2002) “Media effects. Quantitative traditions” Ch 9 in Klaus Bruhn Jensen (ed).?

19.03.2010SEMINAR: Karoline? 205, 1015-1200 and 1215-1400? Case Studies and Causal analysis? Group work: The students will solve exercises given in last week's seminar. We will go through the answers together.


22.03.2010Jo Helle-Valle? 1015-12 Room 205? Qualitative Interviews? Literature:

Kvale, Steinar and Svend Brinkmann (2009). Interviews: Learning the Craft of Qualitative Research Interviewing. Ch 6 – 11.

Thomas, Robert J (1990) “Interviewing Important People in Big Companies”.?

26.03.2010SEMINAR: Karoline? 205, 1015-1200 and 1215-1400? Qualitative Interviews? Group work: The students will solve exercises given in last week's seminar. We will go through the answers together.


Please not that the stages for conducting interviews, as outlined in Kvale and Brinkman, can be found i box 6.2 in the book.?

12.04.2010Jo Helle-Valle? 1015-12 Room 205? Ethnography? Literature:

Taylor, T.L. (1999): Life in Virtual Worlds: Plural Existence, Multimodalities, and Other Online Research Challenges.

Markham, Annette N. (2004). The Methods, Politics, and Ethics of representation in Online Ethnography.

Silverman, David (2006) Ch 3 “Ethnography and observation” in Interpreting Qualitative Data.

Jo Helle-Valles forelesninger?

19.04.2010Jo Helle-Valle? 1015-12 Room 205? Grounded Theory? Literature:

Glaser, Barney G. & Strauss, Anselm (1967). The Discovery of Grounded Theory. Ch 1 and 2.

Lars Mj?set (2005). Can grounded theory solve the problems of its critics? Sosiologisk tidsskrift.?

23.04.2010SEMINAR: Karoline? 205, 1015-1200 and 1215-1400? Ethnography and Grounded Theory? Group work: The students will solve exercises given in last week's seminar. We will go through the answers together.


26.04.2010Gunnar Liest?l? 1015-12 Room 205? Textual Analysis ? Literature: Bruhn Jensen, Klaus (2002). “The humanities in media and communication research” Ch 2 in Klaus Bruhn Jensen (ed). Schr?der, Kim Christian (2002). “Discourses of fact” Ch 7 in Klaus Bruhn Jensen (ed). Larsen, Peter (2002) “Mediated fiction” Ch 8 in Klaus Bruhn Jensen (ed). ?
30.04.2010SEMINAR: Karoline? 205, 1015-12 and 1215-1400? Portefolio submission? We will work on the portefolio submissions that should be handed in the 14th of May. Everybody must prepare at least three pages that will be circulated to your group before the seminar (deadline 28.04). Everybody in the group then comments on the portofolios. ?
07.05.2010SEMINAR: Karoline? 205, 1015-12 and 1215-1400? Exam? We focus on the school exam and discuss possible exam questions made up by Karoline, in groups.?
Published Dec. 29, 2009 11:59 AM - Last modified Apr. 27, 2010 6:13 PM