Plan for work groups

Seminar plan:
MEVIT4800 - Perspectives and methods in media research

2.02. Introduction

16.02 Presentation and discussion of selected text(s): Résumé and epistemology – theory of science behind the text(s) – if any.

02.03 Presentations and discussion of text(s): Research questions and operationalisation of research questions. References to research field –arguments of a research gap? Data material.

16.03 Presentations and discussion of text(s): Methods used – embedded in analysis or presented separately in the text? Discussion of method(s).

23.03 The chain of arguments that are presented in the text(s). The relationship between – research questions – methods – data material and results/conclusions. Are the reliable and valid? Why/how?

30.03 How could the selected texts have been improved? Could you pose the research questions differently? Would other methods or a different data material have provided more valid interpretations or conclusions?

02.04 Assistance with papers. Questions from students.

Published Jan. 28, 2009 12:58 PM - Last modified Feb. 3, 2009 5:38 PM