
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
24.08.2010Gunn Enli ? Room 205, 1015-12? Introduction to course and key methods ? Berger, Arthur Asa (2000)


07.09.2010Tine Figenschou? Room 205, 1015-12? Qualitative Interviews ? Kvale and Birkmann (2009): Chapters 6-11


21.09.2010Tine Figenschou? Room 205, 1015-12? Content Analysis ? Neuendorf, Kimberly (2002)


28.09.2010Tine Figenschou? Room 205, 1015-12? Textual analysis ? Powerpoint?
12.10.2010Terje Rasmussen ? Room 205, 1015-12? Grounded Theory? Glaser, Barney G. & Strauss, Anselm (1967). The Discovery of Grounded Theory. Chapters 1 and 2.

Lars Mj?set (2005). Can grounded theory solve the problems of its critics? Sosiologisk tidsskrift. ?

19.10.2010Ove Solum, Gunnar Liest?l mfl.? Room 205, 1015-14 (NB! Extended lecture) ? Workshop - Methods in Master Thesis ? Workshop- MEVIT 4000. ?
26.10.2010Faltin Karlsen ? Room 205, 1015-12 ? Online Ethnography, Researching Audiences ? Schr?der, Kim, Kirsten Drotner, Stephen Kline and Catherine Murray (2003). ?
09.11.2010Gunn Enli ? Room 205, kl. 1015-12 ? Comparative Analysis and Case Studies? Lijphart, Arend (1971). Comparative Politics and the Comparative Method.

Frendreis, John P. (1983) Explanation of Variation and Detection of Covariation: The Purpose and Logic of Comparative Analysis.

Collier, David (1993). The Comparative Approach.


Published June 7, 2010 12:26 PM - Last modified Nov. 10, 2010 10:32 AM