MEVIT4790 – Master's Thesis in Screen Cultures, with presentation

Course content

The Master’s Degree thesis is an independent academic study in which you investigate a theoretical or empirical research question. You carry out this study with the help of a supervisor, usually one of the Department’s employees.

Learning outcome

The Master’s Degree thesis is a research project that gives you a deeper insight in, and understanding of, issues and methods in the field of screen culture. You will practice academic thinking independently, will unfold your skills of using several research methods, critically evaluate existing research in your field, as well as develop, present and defend your own analysis and interpretation. The Master’s thesis is an important exercise that demands of you to activate your analytical skills and structure your work along your own schedule. These skills will be important for your future career, irrespective of where it will take you. Furthermore, a completed Master’s degree qualifies for application to Ph.D studies in Norway and internationally.

Admission to the course

This course is limited to students who are admitted to the Screen Cultures (master's two years) at the University of Oslo.

Overlapping courses


Teaching and student supervision

The supervision of the Master’s thesis is mandatory; supervisory sessions can be conducted both individually and in groups. Whereas supervision takes place in groups in the first (autumn) and second (spring) semester, individual supervisors are appointed by the Department in the third (fall) semester. See also Ground rules for MA-supervision.

You will need to submit a Master Thesis contract to the study administration in the start of your third semester.

Throughout the Master’s program, students will be asked to participate in activities designed to help the progress of their theses. (Information about dates and contents of these activities will be sent to the students by email, CANVAS and announced through the message board on the programme’s website.)

The following events/seminars are compulsory:

  • In the first semester, there will be a "welcome week" for new students (Aug/Sep); students will be assigned (preliminary) supervisors; these supervisors will organize group meetings and workshops/seminars.
  • In the end of the second semester, students will submit their project outline (defining their research field, question(s), method(s) as well as their materials). On the basis of this outline, they will receive a thesis supervisor, who will organize meetings either in groups and/or individually from the third semester.
  • In the third semester, supervision will commence as individual or group supervision. You will have had a supervisor appointed to you by the Department (For those students doing an international student exchange or a practice semester, there will be the possibility to receive supervision online). Submit a signed Master`s thesis contract as soon as possible after the start of the third semester to the study administration.
  • In the fourth semester, supervision will commence as in the third.
  • Students must pass a compulsory activity by giving a presentation of her/his thesis. This presentation is normally held just before the oral examination and has to be approved by the committee evaluating the thesis.

Read more about master thesis presentation.

Read about compulsory activities at the Faculty og Humanities


Your thesis is examined by a commision, whereas at least one examiner is external (not employed by the UiO).

Master thesis submission

The Master’s Degree thesis should contain between 80 and 100 standard A4 pages. If you have any extra material (film etc), you should submit three copies of this material in addition.

Please make sure to read and follow the routines for submission of Master`s Thesis at the Department of Media and Communication.

Your master thesis must be submitted in full text to DUO. Read more about DUO

The final deadlines are 01.06 for spring term and 01.12. for autumn term.

As from spring 2019, the Department uses an electronic plagiarism detection system for all submitted master theses.

Oral exam

An oral examination which last up to 60 minutes, is held after the submission. The exam may adjust the final grade.

Read more about examination of your thesis and oral exam.

Language of examination

You may submit your thesis in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about the grading system.

Resit an examination

A master’s thesis that is not passed may be resubmitted only once, and then within the agreed time and in revised form. A master’s thesis that is passed may not be resubmitted in revised form.

If you withdraw from the exam after the deadline, this will be counted as an examination attempt.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Oct. 3, 2024 7:31:18 AM

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn
Spring and autumn
Teaching language