
MEVIT4730 – Reading list

The students shall compose their own reading lists after the following guidelines:

  • The reading list shall consist of 800-900 pages
  • At least 600 of these pages shall be selected from the list below. Up to 200 pages can be chosen freely.
  • All three clusters of texts in the list below must be represented in the reading list with at least one text each.
  • Texts that students have used in other courses cannot be reused.
  • The reading list must be approved. Procedure and deadline for this will be announced when course starts.

Cluster A: Convergence and Technology

Fagerjord, Anders and Tanja Storsul: After Convergence , 2005. Unpublished manuscript. (Approx 25 pages) WILL PROBABLY BE DISTRIBUTED TOWARDS THE END OF THE TERM..

Liest?l, Gunnar: A Model for Digital Genre Development i Project Work, 2003. Proceedings of the ICCE '03, University of Hong Kong/AACE/ICCE . SEE E-MAIL FROM ANDERS ABOUT ALTERNATIVE ARTICLE.

Negroponte, Nicholas: Being Digital, 1995. New York: Vintage books. (247 pages).

Williams, Raymond: Television, Technology and Cultural Form, 1990 [first published 1975]. London: Routledge. (152 pages) .

Articles available in compilation at Akademika:

Cuilenburg, Jan van and Paul Slaa (1993). “From Media Policy Towards a National Communications Policy: Broadening the Scope” in European Journal of Communication Vol 8: 149-76 (27 pages)

Fagerjord, Anders (2003). “Rhetorical Convergence. Studying Web Media” pp 293-325 in Gunnar Liest?l, Andrew Morrison and Terje Rasmussen (eds) Digital Media Revisited, Cambridge: MIT Press (32 pages)

Mansell, Robin (1996). “Communication by Design” pp 15-43 in Robin Mansell and Roger Silverstone (eds) Communication by Design. The Politics of Information and Communication Technologies, Oxford: Oxford University Press (28 pages)

Cluster B: The Economy and Politics of Convergence

Castells, Manuel: The Internet Galaxy. Reflections on the Internet, Business, and Society, 2001. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (282 pages).

Hills, Jill and Maria Michalis: Review of International Political Economy , 2000. [e-version bibsys]. The article “Restructuring regulation: technological convergence and European telecommunications and broadcasting markets” Vol 7:3 pp 434-464 (30 pages). When downloading full text you need to be logged on UiO-net/bibsys. Fulltekst.

Storsul, Tanja and Trine Syvertsen: Digital Television and Regulatory Change, 2005. Unpublished conference paper. (Approx 25 pages).

COM(623)97: Green Paper on the Convergence of the Telecommunications, Media and Information Technology Sectors, and the Implications for Regulations, 1997. European Commission. (36 pages). Fulltekst.

NOU 1999:26: Konvergens. Sammensmelting av tele-, data- og mediesektorene, 1999. (180 pages). Fulltekst.

DTI: Regulating communications: approaching convergence in the Information Age, UK Department of Trade and Industry , 1998. (42 pages). Fulltekst.

Cluster C: Forms of Expression in Converging Media

Bolter, Jay David, and Richard Grusin: Remediation: Understanding New Media, 1999. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. (217 pages).

Fagerjord, Anders.: "Four Axes of Rhetorical Convergence” , 2003. Dichtung Digital (30). (22 pages). Fulltekst.

Kelly, Kevin, and Gary Wolf: “Push!” , 1997. Wired Vol. 5:3.. (7 pages). Fulltekst.

Manovich, Lev: The Language of New Media, 2001. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. (333 pages).

Published May 15, 2005 1:18 PM - Last modified Oct. 12, 2005 9:53 AM