Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
27.08.2004Anders Fagerjord? 208? Introduction? Presentation of people, assignments, course overview. Discussion: does the Web call for a new literacy (a webacy)??
03.09.2004Anders Fagerjord? 208? The web as hypertext? Read before lecture: Joyce: Afternoon; Landow (ed.) The Victorian Web

You probably can't read all of these texts, but spend at least an hour on each. And don't give up Afternoon at once. It takes some getting used to.

Literature covered: Krug, Bernstein.?

09.09.2004Lars Gundersen, senior engineer? Multimedia Lab? Introduction to Dreamweaver? Thursday 9-17 Dreamweaver is the leading professional web design software.?
10.09.2004Synne Skulstad, research fellow, Intermedia? 208? The Aestethics of Flash Interfaces? ?
15.09.2004Hans Magnus Mikalsen Nedreberg? Multimedia Lab? Introduction to Macromedia Flash? Wednesday 9.15 - 16.00?
17.09.2004Anders Fagerjord? 208? Images in Web design? Literature covered: Fagerjord, ch. 6. Read before lecture: The Sights and Sound of The Way West?
24.09.2004Gunnar Liest?l? 208? The Art of the Intro: Convergence/Divergence as an example of a Synthetic-Analytic methodology? ?
01.10.2004Anders Fagerjord? 208? Dicussion of group projects? ?
08.10.2004Anders Fagerjord? 208? Discussion of group projects? ?
18.10.2003? ? Web site assignment due today at 08.00? ?
20.10.2004Anders Fagerjord? ? Presentation of group projects? Lab time 11-14, place to be announced?
29.10.2003Even Westvang, Intermedia? 208? From Siegel to Zeldman: A decade of shifting trends in "correct" web design? ?
05.11.2004Anders Fagerjord? 208? Computer media? Literature: Manovich?
12.11.2004Anders Fagerjord? 208? Multimodal Discourse? Literature: Kress & van Leeuwen?
19.11.2004Jill Walker, University of Bergen? 208? Networked writing, distributed narrative, and viral texts?


26.11.2004Anders Fagerjord? 208? Summary lecture? Group essay due?
03.12.2003? ? ? Personal reflection due?
Published Mar. 7, 2005 1:19 AM