Don't Panic. You'll have to learn the basic skills of Web design yourself, but frankly, you can do that in a day or two. You'll still have to work harder than the more experienced students, but after all, this is graduate studies, and you expected to work hard anyway... Here's what to do:
First step: Get Space at a Web Server
You probably have a student account at the University (if not, get one today!). That's a Web server too, you just need to open it to the Web. This document describes how to do it. It's in Norwegian, so if you can't read it, complain to the Faculty! They're supposed to cater for international students so claim your right.
You can also find free Web server space on the net, for example at Yahoo! GeoCities.
When you have access to a server, all you need to do is to write HTML documents and save them on the server.
Second Step: Learn HTML
There are several good introductions to HTML on the Web. Try one of these:
- NCSA's classic A Beginner's Guide to HTML
- David Ragget: Getting Started with HTML
- No longer active WebMonkey is still an important source of all kinds of knowledge. They also have beginner's pages.
You write the pages in a simple text editor like TextEdit (Mac) or WordPad (Win). Don't use Word! Save each page on your computer as Simple Text, and add the suffix .html (not .txt) to the filename. Preview them in your browser, and when everything is almost OK, move them to your Web server.