Wednesday's Flash intro

Hans Magnus Nedreberg, an excellent Flash designer, is giving an introduction to Flash tomorrow.

This is short notice, I know, but he got married last week, so I haven't been able to get in touch with him. He says it is no use trying to learn Flash in less than a day. This means we have to vote (hey! it's interactive!).

Either we have the class tomorrow

1) from 9.15 to 16.00;

or we start on the regular Wednesday time slot, and go

2) from 11.15 to 18.00.

Voting is open until 14.00 today. Send Anders an e-mail on whether you prefer 1) or 2).

I also promise this is the last time-juggling experience. Beginning next week, it is Wednesday 11.15 and Friday 10.15.

Published Mar. 7, 2005 1:19 AM