MEVIT4704 – Screen Cultures Internship-Course

Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Course content

This course is intended for students in the Screen Cultures MA programme who would like to combine an internship at an outside institute, corporation, or other partnering institution with an elective course unit (10 ECTS). It is specifically designed to afford students the possibility to reflect on the work experience gathered during their internship, prompting them to delve into the respective professional context but also retaining a measure of academic and analytical distance. The aim is for students not only to become highly involved in the partnering institution’s work processes, but also to take an analytic perspective on such routine workflows, which are seldom inquired into on a day-to-day basis. In this two-pronged way, we hope both the claim to first-hand work experience and the demands of academic standards are satisfied.

The internship course should be the equivalent of a 10 ECTS course unit, which amounts to max. 250 workhours in total.

Learning outcome

When the internship/course is finished the student is expected to know how

  • to work relatively independently in the professional context of the respective partnering institution.
  • to demonstrate advanced knowledge of this professional context.
  • to formulate professional/institutional/practical/ethical/design/etc. challenges pertaining to the partnering institution in a way that also meets scientific standards.
  • to write a report on (at least one and up to three of) these challenges, with clearly delimited object(s) of knowledge and sound scientific reference technique.
  • to search for and understand scientific literature pertaining to the work done during the internship.
  • to account for and discuss this literature in an independent and critical matter.

Admission to the course

The student must present a short description of the partnering institution, the work that the internship consists of, as well as its potential challenges.

The description should thus contain:

  • A title
  • A brief description of the partnering institution.
  • A brief description of the quality (and quantity) of the envisaged work at this institution.
  • A brief description of the potential challenges of the institution in general and the envisaged work in particular.

The supervisor will approve the course description and sign the Application Form for the internship course unit. The application and attachments are to be handed in to the Department of Media and Communication (IMK) for approval.

The student, the partnering institution, and IMK must also sign an agreement before the internship commences. The agreement is signed by filling in this webform:?

Screen Cultures Internship Course - Agreement between the student, IMK, and the external partner


Students are responsible for finding a supervisor for the internship course at the Department of Media and Communication. Students are entitled to three hours of supervision, but it is a premise that the students work independently. The supervisor needs to be involved in the process of agreeing on the terms of the internship between student and partnering institution.

Length - workload:

  • The internship course should be the equivalent of a 10 ECTS course unit, which amounts to max. 250 workhours in total.
  • (While a large part of this time can be devoted to work that directly pertains to the internship, at least 30% of the allotted time should be used on an academic reflection on the work experience which is expected to result in a report that meets scientific standards)

Mandatory activity:

  • The student assembles a syllabus of 300 to 400 pages (minimum three different sources) that s/he has not been examinated in previously. Parts of this literature should also be used for the written report (the exam). The activity will be approved by your supervisor.
  • The student must digitally sign an agreement with the the external partner via submitting a webform. Find the web form at the bottom of the page.

It is the student`s own responsibility to stay informed about the mandatory activities, comply with the requirements for attendance and to uphold deadlines. Everyone must familiarize themselves with the rules concerning obligatory activities at the Faculty of Humanities.

A failure to pass the mandatory activity will result in withdrawal from the exam.


  • An internship/work report of between 2500 and 3000 words (excluding reference list) with clearly defined and delimited object(s) of knowledge relating to max. three challenges pertaining to the work performed at the workplace. (The contents of the report will need to be discussed with the supervisor first!)

Language of examination

You may write your examination paper in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Oct. 6, 2024 4:43:06 AM

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn
Spring and autumn
Teaching language