
Published Dec. 11, 2020 3:14 PM

Deadline: December 16 at 11:00 (AM)

You must submit your portfolio in Inspera

Inspera closes automatically at 11:00, so we recommend submitting well ahead of the deadline.

Formal requirements:

  • Submission length should be according to the requirements in the assignment
  • The front page, literature list and appendices do not count towards the total amount of pages.
  • You must use a reference style (e.g. Harvard, Chicago, MLA, APA) consistently and precisely throughout your submission and in the literature list. If you are unsure of how to use sources and citations properly, please  consult the University library's resource pag...
Published Aug. 6, 2020 10:03 AM

Dear Screen Politics people,

I very much hope you had an ok summer and wish you a very warm welcome to our course!

We will meet for the first time next week Tuesday (11/08), 14:15.

This first session will only be a presentation of the course content and a distribution of tasks. Please, find the course reading list in the FILES in CANVAS. The texts marked in yellow are those that I think make sense for short presentations by you. Please, do have a look and also consult the short instructions at the top of the document! It would be good if everybody could make a shortlist so that you know which ones you would like and be able to present.

As you will have gathered from the news, Corona infection numbers are on the up again. Since I am belonging to a risk group (a...

Published July 2, 2020 4:05 PM

Dear Screen Politics gang,

looking very much forward to our course in the autumn!
Let me tell you a little bit about how I am planning things:

1. Course Literature
While most of the articles will be easily retrievable online, some of the book chapters will be trickier to get. However, reach out to your fellow students, please, and coordinate the accumulation of texts! If something appears entirely unobtainable, do drop me a line.

2. Course attendance
We will distribute tasks (everybody will be expected to take over the presentation and discussion of a course text) and talk about the aims of the course and what we all can get out of it in the first session. Then there will be a two week reading break and then we will start with short weekly meetings that will run from the second part of August until the end of November.

3. Corona distancing measures
We have a rather small class room at IMK which has roo...