Reading list


  • Hjarvard, Stig (2013). The Mediatization of Culture and Society. Oxon: Routledge. 169 pages.
  • Couldry, Nick & Andreas Hepp (2017). The Mediated Construction of Reality. Cambridge: Polity. 277 pages.
  • Eskj?r, Mikkel Fugl; Stig Hjarvard & Mette Mortensen (eds.) (2015). The Dynamics of Mediatized Conflicts. New York: Peter Lang. 211 pages.


Lundby, Knut (ed.)(2014). Mediatization of Communication. Handbooks of Communication Science, vol. 21. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Download and read the following chapters:

1. Knut Lundby, “Mediatization of Communication.”  (33 pages)

6. Friedrich Krotz, “Mediatization as a mover in modernity …” (31 pages)

16. Jesper Str?mb?ck & Frank Esser, “Mediatization of politics: …” (29 pages)

31. Sonia Livingstone & Peter Lunt, “Mediatization: an emerging paradigm ..” (21 pp)

?ARTICLES FROM THE INTERNET  (by direct search or from

  • Ekstr?m, Mats; Johan Forn?s, André Jansson & Anne Jerslev (2016). Three tasks for mediatization research: contributions to an open agenda. Media, Culture & Society 38(7): 1090–1108.     19 pages.
  • Encheva, Kameliya, Olivier Driessens and Hans Verstraeten (2013). The mediatization of deviant subcultures: an analysis of the media-related practices of graffiti writers and skaters, Mediekultur. Journal of media and communication research 54: 8–25.  18 pages.
  • Murdock, Graham (2017). Mediatisation and the Transformation of Capitalism: The Elephant in the Room. Javnost – The Public 24(2): 119–135.   17 pages.
  • Schulz, Winfried (2004). Reconstructing Mediatization as an Analytical Concept, European Journal of Communication 19(1): 87–101.  15 pages.
  • Van Dijck, José & Thomas Poell (2013). Understanding Social Media Logic. Media and Communication 1(1): 2–14.            13 pages.

Total of the above: 853 pages
+ selected individually for the term paper approx. 100 pages
Total pages to read approx. 950 pages
Published Oct. 23, 2017 1:40 PM - Last modified Nov. 23, 2017 4:17 PM