
We welcome all student to out brand new course on social media and election campaigns. The course is an offspring of the project Social Media and Agenda-setting in Election campaigns and will be run in close cooperation with the research team, as well as use cases, data and publications from the project. The students are invited and expected to contribute to the project directly and indirectly by taking part in a variety of project-related activities. Be sure to bring you laptop, tablet or smart phone to class!

On 5 September, all students who can understand Norwegian are invited and expected to attend the seminar: #Valg2013 - Den siste TV-valgkampen? Er sosiale medier blitt viktigere enn TV i den norske valgkampen? 16:00 - 18:30, Nedjma, Litteraturhuset.

The reading list and a preliminary teaching plan is now published.

We look forward to meeting you.

Gunn Enli & Eli Skogerb?

Publisert 16. aug. 2013 16:54 - Sist endret 16. aug. 2013 16:54