Syllabus/achievement requirements


Staksrud, E. (2013). Children in the Online World: Risk, Regulation, Rights. London: Routledge.

ch. 1 – Introduction (pp. 1-12);

ch. 2, Individualization (pp. 13-42);

Part II, Regulation! (pp. 82-142)

Part III, Rights! (pp. 143-176)

Books and articles available online:

Alexander, Leigh (2009) And You Thought Grand Theft Auto Was Bad: Should the United States Ban a Japanese “Rape Simulator’ Game? Slate, March 9.

Al-Saqaf, Walid. “Freedom of Speech” (selection from ch. 3 of his PhD dissertation, Breaking Digital Firewalls: Analyzing Internet Censorship and Circumvention in the Arab World. ?rebro University, 2014), pp. 71-82. (PDF online)

Al-Saqaf, Walid. “Protection of Minors,” Digital Firewalls, pp. 47-50

Braman, Sandra, Bounding the Domain: Information Policy for the Twenty-first Century, Change of State: Information, Policy, and Power (MIT Press, 2012), pp. 39-66.

Braman, Sandra: Information, Policy, and Power in the Informational State, ch. 9, Change of State (pp. 313-328).

B?cke, Maria. (2011). Make-Believe and Make-Belief in Second Life Role-Playing Communities, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 18(1): 85–92.

Ess, C. from: “Friendship, Democracy and Citizen Journalism,” (Chapter 4), Digital Media Ethics, 2nd edition, pp. 142-151. (PDF online)

Ess, C. "Privacy" in the global metropolis? (ch. 2), Digital Media Ethics, 2nd edition, pp. 35-43; 51-78). (PDF online)

Ess, C., , from: “Still More Ethical Issues: Digital Sex and Games,” (Chapter 5) Digital Media Ethics, 2nd edition, pp. 157-178. (PDF online)

Ess, C. The ethics of copying: is it theft, Open Source, or Confucian homage to the master? From: Digital Media Ethics, ch. 3, pp. 91-112. (PDF online)

Latonero, Mark, & Sinnreich, Aram. (2014). The hidden demography of new media ethics. Information, Communication & Society, 17:5, 572-593, DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2013.808364

Mansell, R., and Raboy, M. (Eds). 2011. The Handbook of Global Media and Communication Policy. PDFs online.

(NB: not all of these chapters will be required reading – required chapters will be specified during previous class meeting)

  • (1) Robin Mansell & Marc Raboy, Introduction: Foundations of the Theory and Practice of Global Media and Communication Policy. (pp. 1-15)
  • (2) Ted Magder The Origins of International Agreements and Global Media: The Post, the Telegraph, and Wireless Communication Before World War I. (pp. 23-39)
  • (3) Don MacLean, The Evolution of GMCP Institutions. (pp. 40-57)
  • (4) William H. Melody, Whose Global Village? (pp. 58-78)
  • (5) Kaarle Nordenstreng, Free Flow Doctrine in Global Media Policy. (pp. 79-92).
  • (6) Rikke Frank J?rgensen, Human Rights and Their Role in Global Media and Communication Discourses. (pp. 95-111)
  • (7) Nico Carpentier Policy’s Hubris: Power, Fantasy, and the Limits of (Global) Media Policy Interventions. (pp. 113-125)
  • (8) Bart Cammaerts, Power Dynamics in Multi-stakeholder Policy Processes and Intra-civil Society Networking. (pp. 131-144)
  • (9) Leslie Regan Shade, Media Reform in the United States and Canada: Activism and Advocacy for Media Policies in the Public Interest. (pp. 147-162)
  • (11) Monroe E. Price, Global Media Policy and Crisis States. (pp. 180-207)
  • (14) Arne Hintz and Stefania Milan, User Rights for the Internet Age: Communications Policy According to “Netizens.” (pp. 230-240)
  • (16) Boatema Boateng, Whose Democracy? Rights-based Discourse and Global Intellectual Property Rights Activism. (pp. 261-274)
  • (19) Jamal Eddine Naji, The Mediterranean Arab Mosaic between Free Press Development and Unequal Exchanges with the “North.” (pp. 306-318)
  • (20) Linje Manyozo, Rethinking Communication for Development Policy: Some Considerations. (pp. 319-335)
  • (21) Peter S. Grant, The UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity: Cultural Policy and International Trade in Cultural Products. (pp. 336-350)
  • (22) Robert G. Picard, Economic Approaches to Media Policy. (pp. 355-363)
  • (27) Roberta G. Lentz, Regulation as Linguistic Engineering. (pp. 432-446)
  • (28) Margaret Gallagher, Gender and Communication Policy: Struggling for Space. (pp. 451-461)
  • (30) Sandra Braman, Anti-terrorism and the Harmonization of Media and Communication Policy. (pp. 486-504)
  • (31) Sonia Livingstone, Regulating the Internet in the Interests of Children: Emerging European and International Approaches. (pp. 505-520)
  • (32) Caroline Pauwels and Karen Donders, From Television without Frontiers to the Digital Big Bang: The EU’s Continuous Efforts to Create a Future-proof Internal Media Market. (pp. 525-540)

Pat Aufderheide, Aram Sinnreich, Maggie Clifford, and Saif Shahin (2019) Access Shrugged: The Decline of the Copyleft and the Rise of Pragmatic Openness. (ICA Pre-conference “Internet Governance and Communication Beyond Borders”). PDF

Smith, Clarissa. Pornographication: A Discourse for All Seasons, International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 6(1): 103–8.

Smith, Clarissa, Attwood, Feona and Barker, Martin (2018) ‘I’m just curious and still exploring myself’: Young people and pornography. New Media and Society.

Thorn, Clarisse (2012) Introduction: Reflections on Game Rape, Feminism, Sadomasochism, and Selfhood. In C. Thorn and J. Dibbell (eds). Violation: Rape in Gaming, pp. 4-23. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. (Order online as an ebook from:

Online resources

Erika Rackley and Clare McGlynn, The cultural harm of rape pornography.

“Should ISPs be told to block “adult” content?”:

UNESCO Report, "There Shall Be Freedom of Expression" - Introductory materials + ch. 2 (PDF): pp. 5-14, 27-40.

Wolf, Naomi.  (n.d.) "The Porn Myth.”

Optional reading (but strongly recommended):

Braman, Sandra:, Information Policy and Identity, ch. 5, Change of State, pp. 116-166.

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Published May 10, 2019 10:44 AM - Last modified June 26, 2019 11:21 AM