
Published Nov. 1, 2016 6:15 PM

Dear students,

Remember to use your student number instead of your name when submitting the term paper to Fronter.

The term paper must be in either .doc or .pdf-format.


Submission deadline: 10 November at 11:00.

Published Sep. 12, 2016 12:54 PM

Just a quick reminder that the term paper and the obligatory activity are two separate tasks: 

Term Paper: 10 pages paper on a chosen topic related to the course and the reading list. (Suggested topic: Authentic politicians, one or more countries).  

Obligatory Activity: abstract for the term paper + empircal data demonstrating how politicians might seem 'authentic' from 2 countries.  

Published Aug. 26, 2016 3:20 PM

Obligatory activity:

Submit 0.5- 1.0 page thesis abstract (research question, method, theory) +

empirical material (images, videos, newspaper articles etc.) demonstrating how politicians use strategies to seem authentic (minimum two politicians, from minimum two different countries). 


Deadline: 22 September (upload in Fronter)

Published Aug. 26, 2016 2:19 PM


Location - all lectures: 


Monday 5th

13.00-15.00: Welcome to The Norwegian Institute in Rome. Including lunch.

15.00-16.00: Media and politics in Italy. Lecture by: Professor Michele Sorice. Luiss University. 


Tuesday 6th

13.00-13.30: Lunch and informal seminar.

13.30-14.30: Italian media and Public Service Broadcasting. Lecture by: Policy expert Flavia Barca


Wednesday 7th

10.00-11.00: Covering media and poli...

Published Aug. 25, 2016 10:48 AM

If you want to attend the excursion to Rome on the 5th - 8th of September 2016 please fill out this form:

Deadline: Monday august 29(before midnight)

Published Aug. 23, 2016 9:26 AM

Location (lectures + seminars):

Program: The program is in prgress and wil be posted shortly

Travel arrangements: Please book flights and accomondation ASAP. 


Published Aug. 10, 2016 12:05 PM

5. september: DY1872 Oslo-Roma 07:10 

8. september: DY1873 Roma-Oslo 11:05

Published June 22, 2016 2:33 PM

The course will include an excursion to Rome, in week 36, 5-8 September.

The excursion will include lectures and institutional visits related to media & politics. The students are expected to be active in the planning of the trip and the programme. For example to make appointments for the group in Rome, and to book their own tickets, hotels etc. but they will be given a fixed amount of refund from the department. A Facebook group or similar digital platforms could be used to discuss travel arrangements and joint planning of the trip.