Reading list


Enli, Gunn (2014): Mediated Authenticity. How Media Constructs Reality. New York: Peter Lang- chapters 2,3, & 6 (100 pages, print copy)

Freedman, Des (2008): The Politics of Media Policy. Cambridge: Polity Press (250 pages)

Maarek, Philippe J. (2011): Campaign Communication & Political Marketing. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell (250 pages)


Arsenault, Amelia and Manuel Castells (2008): Switching Power: Rupert Murdock and the Global Business of Media Politics: A Sociological Analysis. International Sociology 2384): 488-513. 

Bulck, H. van den (2012): "Towards a Media Policy Process Model and its Methodological Implications", in Just, N. and M. Puppis (eds): Trends in Communication Policy Research. (print copy)

Humphreys, Peter (2012): A Political Scientist's Contribution to the Comparative Study of Media Systems in Europe: A Response to Hallin and Mancini. In Just, N. and M. Puppis (eds): Trends in Communication Policy Research. (print copy) 

Enli, G. & V. Schanke Sundet (2007): "Strategies in times of regulatory change: a Norwegian case study on the battle for a commercial radio licence", in Media, Culture, and Society.

Enli, Gunn; Moe, Hallvard; Sundet, Vilde Schanke & Syvertsen, Trine (2013): "From fear of television to fear for television: five political debates about new Technologies". Media History.  ISSN 1368-8804.  19(2), s 213- 227 . doi: 10.1080/13688804.2013.791420

Enli, G. & Hallvard Moe (2013): "Introduction to Special Issue: Social Media and Election camapigns. Key tendencies and ways forward", in Information, Communication and Society. Link:

Enli, G. & E. Skogerb? (2013): "Personalized Campaigns in Party-Centred Politics", in Information, Communication and Society. Link:

Karlsen, R. (2011): "Still Broadcasting the Campaign: On the Internet and the Fragmentation of Political Communication with Evidence from Norwegian Electoral Politics", in Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 8(2), 146-162. doi: 10.1080/19331681.2011.536419

Karlsen, R. (2011): "A Platform for Individualized Campaigning? Social Media and Parliamentary Candidates in the 2009 Norwegian Election Campaign", in Policy and the Internet, 3(4). doi: 10.2202/1944-2866.1137

Moe, Hallvard (2012). How to Preserve the Broadcasting Licence Fee: The Case of Norway,id=13059/

Ihlen, ?. & K. Thorbj?rnsrud (2014): "Making news and influencing decisions: Three threshold cases concerning forced return of immigrants", in European Journal of Communication. Link:

Syvertsen, Trine (2003): "Challenges to Public Television in the Era of Convergence and Commercialization". Television and New Media.  ISSN 1527-4764.  4(2), s 155- 175






Publisert 8. juli 2014 12:56 - Sist endret 4. sep. 2014 16:50