
Publisert 19. nov. 2014 12:41

Deadline for submission is Thursday November 27 at 14:00. Your term paper and the obligatory statement concerning cheating must be submitted in Fronter ( before 14:00.

Read this website before you hand in your term paper:

Instructions concerning exam submissions at IMK

Use your candidate number, not your name. Your candidate number is published in your student web.

The file you upload into Fronter should be named as your candidatenumber (xxxxxx.pdf or xxxxxx.doc). It's important that you download the file in a recognizable format, and we recommend that you use pdf.

Good Luck!

Publisert 23. okt. 2014 10:15
Publisert 9. sep. 2014 14:45

Please sign up via the form below, before Wednesday September 17th, to let us know if you are attending the excursions in Media and Politics this semester:

NRK (After the lecture Monday September 22nd. Open for Media and Politics students (bachelor & master) + other students at IMK)


The Norwegian Media Authority (from 9-15, Friday October 10th, NB: Media and Politics students only)

Publisert 28. aug. 2014 15:01

Employees at the Norwegian Media Authority will give talks about their field of work connected to the...

Publisert 17. juli 2014 10:15

The lectures will be held together with MEVIT3350. You can find the teaching schedule here.