

Just, N., & Puppis, M. (2012). Trends in Communication Policy Reseach: New Theories, Methods and Subjects. Bristol UK / Chicago, USA: Intellect. Kap.1-9, 11-16. 316 s.

Karppinen, Kari (2013) Rethinking Media Pluralism, New York: Fordham University Press. 234 s

Krumsvik, A. H. 2011. Medienes privilegier - en innf?ring i mediepolitikk, Kristiansand, IJ-forlaget. 185 s.

Artikler og bokkapitler

Hintz, A. & Milan, S. 2011. User Rights for the Internet Age: Communications Policy According to “Netizens”. I Mansell, R. & Raboy, M. (red.) The Handbook of Global Media and Communication Policy. Wiley-Blackwell. Tilgjengelig gjennom UBO:

Jakubowicz, K. 2011. Public Service Broadcasting: Product (and Victim?) of Public Policy. I Mansell, R. & Raboy, M. (red.) The Handbook of Global Media and Communication Policy. Wiley-Blackwell. Tilgjengelig gjennom UBO:

Pauwels, C. & Donders, K. (2011) ”From Television without Frontiers to the Digital Big Bang: The EU's Continuous Efforts to Create a Future-Proof Internal Media Market.” I Mansell, R. & Raboy, M. (red.) The Handbook of Global Media and Communication Policy. Wiley-Blackwell. Tilgjengelig gjennom UBO:

Trappel, J. (2011) "Why Democracy Needs Media Monitoring. Conceptualizing the Media for Democracy Monitor" in Trappel, J., Nieminen, H., & Nord, L. (2011). The Media for Democracy Monitor. A Cross National Study of Leading News Media. G?teborg: Nordicom. Will be made available in Fronter.

Offentlige dokumenter

Medieeierskapsutredningen 2012: Regulering av medieeierskap – en gjennomgang. Rapport fra en arbeidsgruppe oppnevnt av Kulturdepartementet, April 2012. 150 s. Se ogs? Kulturdepartementets sider om saken.

NOU 2011: 12 Ytringsfrihet og ansvar i en ny mediehverdag. Kap. 1-7, 12, 14. 127 s. Se ogs? Kulturdepartmentets sider om h?ringen.

Anbefalt litteratur

Allmennkringkastingsrapporten 2012,

Bardach, E. (2000) : A practical guide to policy analysis. N. Y. : Chatham House Publishers.

Dunn, W. A. (2004): Policy analysis. An introduction. New Jersey: Pearson - Prentice Hall, 3rd. ed.

Hood, Christopher, Henry Rothstein, Robert Baldwin (2001) The Government of Risk. Understanding Risk Regulation Regimes. Oxford: Oxford University Press

NOU 2010: 14 Lett ? komme til orde, vanskelig ? bli h?rt – en moderne mediest?tte. 143 s. Se ogs? Kulturdepartementets sider om h?ringen.

Lunt, P. & Livingstone, S. 2011. Media regulation: governance and the interests of citizens and consumers, London, Sage.

Starling, Grover (1988): Strategies for Policy-Making. Chicago: The Dorsey Press.

St.meld. nr. 30 (2006–2007) Kringkasting i en digital fremtid. Se ogs? Stortingets behandling av saken:

St. 8 (2010–2011) Melding til Stortinget Digitalisering av radiomediet. Se ogs? Stortingets behandling av saken:

Syvertsen, T. 2004. Mediemangfold: styring av mediene i et globalisert marked, Kristiansand, IJ-forl.

The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy, Oxford University Press, 2006.

Weimer,  D. L. & A. R. Vining (2005): Policy analysis. Concepts and practice. New Jersey: Pearson - Prentice Hall, 4th ed.

Winter, S?ren (1994). Implementering og effektivitet. Herning: Systime.


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Publisert 12. aug. 2013 12:35