Syllabus/achievement requirements

Literature will be added to the reading list.

Students will  be encourage to search for relevant literature for their term paper.

I will also refer to the literature from the MEVIT4800 course: Link


Gripsrud, Jostein, Hallvard Moe, Anders Molander and Graham Murdock (eds) (2010). The Idea of the Public Sphere: A Reader. London: Lexington. 346 s.

Midtb?en, Arnfinn, Steen-Johnsen, Kari and Kjersti Thorbj?rsnrud (eds) (2017): Boundary Struggles: Contestation of Free Speech in the Norwegian Public Sphere. Chapter: 1, 5,  7, 8 and 9. Available here:

Reuters Institute: Digital News Report: read about the Nordic countries link


Eide, E. (2010b). Strategic Essentialism and Ethnification: Hand in glove? Nordicom Review 31(2), 63–78. 

Figenschou, T. U., Beyer, B., & Thorbj?rnsrud, K. (2015). The Moral Police: Agenda-setting and Framing Effects of a New(s) Concept of Immigration. Nordicom Review, 36 65-78.

Ihleb?k, Karoline Andrea, Krumsvik, Arne H. (2014) Editorial power and public participation in online newspapers. Journalism 16(4): 470–487.

Holt, K., and Haller, A (2017) What Does ‘Lügenpresse’ Mean? : Expressions of Media Distrust on PEGIDA’s Facebook Pages. Tidsskriftet Politik. 20. 42-57.

Horsti, K (2008) Overview of Nordic Media Research on Immigration and Ethnic Relations From Text Analysis to the Study of Production, Use and Reception. Nordicom Review (29)2: 278-293.

Karina H and Nikunen, K (2013) The ethics of hospitality in changing journalism: A response to the rise of the anti-immigrant movement in Finnish media publicity. European Journal of Cultural Studies 16(4): 489-504.

Marwick, A and Lewis, R (2016) Media Manipulation and Disinformaiton Online. 104. New York: Data & Society Research Institute.

Midtb?en, A. H. (2016) The making and unmaking of ethnic boundaries in the public sphere: the case of Norway. Ethnicities.

Jacobsen, SJ, Jensen, TG, Vitus, K & Weibel, K 2013, Analysis of Danish Media setting and framing of Muslims, Islam and racism. vol. WP 10:2013 , SFI.

Pettersen and ?stby (2014) Skandinavisk komparativ statistikk om integrering. Innvandrere i Norge, Sverige og Danmark. Samfunnsspeilet 5/2013. Statistisk sentralbyra?. Link.

Thorbj?rnsrud, K and Figenschou, T.U. (2016) Consensus and dissent after terror: Editorial policies in times of crisis. Journalism. Online before printDOI: 10.1177/1464884916657519 .



Brochmann, Grete, Anniken Hagelund, Karen Borevi, Heidi Vad J?nsson and Klaus Petersen. Immigration Policy and the Scandinavian Welfare State, 1945-2010. Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship. Chapter 1 ( pp. 1-25) and Chapter 5 (pp. 225-275)


Published Nov. 3, 2017 1:10 PM - Last modified Mar. 15, 2018 7:57 AM