Term paper submission instructions, MEVIT4323

Submission deadline: Thursday 31 May before 11:00/11AM.

Your term paper must be submitted in Inspera.

Inspera closes automatically as the clock turns 11:00, so you should be prepared to submit your file before 10:59 on 31 May. 

Your submission should be approximately 10 pages of text. One page is counted as around 2300 characters, not counting spaces. Use 12pt Times New Roman or equivalent, with 1.5 line spacing and the standard page margins in Word (2.5cm on each side).

The front page, bibliography/works cited list,  and appendices do not count towards the page count. Similarly, if you are using images or tables in your text, they do not count towards the page total.


You must use a reference style (for instance Chicago, APA, Harvard or MLA) consistently throughout your term paper. Therefore, you must familiarize yourself with the University's information about the use of sources and citations. 

If you are unsure about how to use sources and citations correctly, you may consult the website Search and Write.

Before submitting your term paper, please make sure you know the University's rules regarding cheating. 


Your term paper submission must be a PDF file (.pdf).  The file name should be your candidate number, such as for instance 1234.pdf .

The system will not accept files in formats other than PDF. 

If you have any questions about the exam submission, please contact studiekonsulent@media.uio.no .

Best of luck!

Published May 25, 2018 2:10 PM - Last modified May 25, 2018 2:10 PM