Submission instructions for the group exam

Submission deadline: December 3 by 11:00

Hand in your group paper in Inspera. Inspera closes automatically at 11:00, so we recommend submitting well ahead of the deadline.

Only one from each group can hand in on behalf of the group. Read more in this message in Canvas

Formal requirements

  •  The term paper should be approximately 4000 words, +/-10 percent deviation.
  • The front page, literature list and appendices do not count towards the word count.
  •  You must use a reference style (e.g. Harvard, Chicago, MLA, APA) consistently and precisely throughout your submission and in the literature list. If you are unsure of how to use sources and citations properly, please consult the University library's resource page,  or the Search and Write webpage
  •  Before you submit your term paper, you must also ensure that it conforms to the University's rules regarding cheating.
  •  The file you submit must be a PDF file (.pdf). Other formats (e.g. .pages., or .odt) will not be accepted by Inspera.
  •  Do not include your name anywhere on the submission.
  •  Your file should be named after your candidate numbers, for instance 2, 5, 7.pdf.

The front page of your term paper must include the following:

  • You must include the candidate number for each member of the the group (available in Studentweb).
  • The course code and course name
  • The correct semester (autumn 2020)
  • The title of your term paper

If you have any questions regarding the exam, please contact

Good luck!

Published Nov. 19, 2020 11:46 AM - Last modified Nov. 19, 2020 11:49 AM