Outline for tomorrow's lecture

I have updated and changed the outline for tomorrow's lecture. Here is the plan: 

12.15-13.00: Progress reports from the groups. Discussion of report format.

13.15-14.00: Streaming media as an innovation. A brief history, from Napster through YouTube to Spotify and Netflix. Then a discussion: If we view Netflix and other streaming services in the light of innovation theory, what can we learn? How much is technology, and how much is "social" aspects?

14.15-15.00: Streaming technology. We will look at the technology stack for streaming media, and analyse them according to Müller's platform-genre model.

15.15-16.00: Algorithms and recommender systems. 

Three kinds of recommender systems: Item-based recommendation, collaborative filtering, network and other vector systems. We will look at how Netflix' recommendations have changed, and at Facebook's PageRank. We will then play a little with Amazon's and YouTube's recommendations using digital tools from the University of Amsterdam.

Can we really study algorithms? Is it possible to do it in our group projects?

Published Mar. 22, 2018 2:08 PM - Last modified Mar. 22, 2018 2:09 PM