Group assignments must be submmitted in Fronter.
For each group one member will submit the exam. The candidatenumber of alle the groupmembers must be stated on the frontpage of the exam.
When uploading the paper press 'tilpass eiere/customize owners' and choose 'gruppeinnlevering/group hand in'. This way the paper will be submitted by all groupmembers. (If you can't find out how to do this, just have one member of the group upload the file)
Information regarding exams at IMK - please read this before you start thinking about submitting your exam.
You'll find your candidatenumbers for the exam in studentweb approximately one week before the deadline. (This time the candidatenumber won't be the same as your studentnumber, so remeber to check your Studentweb)
Lenght: 10 pages (2300 characters per page)
Submission in Fronter.
Deadline Thursday May 30th at 14:00
Deadline for group assignment is May 30th
Written exam is June 6th.
First lectures on Friday 5 April 09.15-13.00 by Tanja Storsul and Karoline Ihlebæk.
Lectures and seminars will be held in room 205 at IMK, instead of previously announced 208.
Happy easter!
Haakon Berg Johnsen
The Syllabys for the course and the detailed teaching plan is now published.
Hello all students who have signed up for MEVIT4310. Our first session is scheduled 5 April (see timetable). Reading list and course plan will be published here by the end of January.