(Please note: A few of these books only include a chapter or two of required reading so it may be wise to seek them out at the library.)
Book chapters, reports and articles (available online, search via the UiO network)
Cox, Howard and Mowatt, Simon (2008), ‘Technological change and forms of innovation in consumer magazine publishing’, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 20 (4): 503-520.
Doyle, Gillian (2012), Audiovisual Services: International Trade and Cultural Policy. ADBI Working Paper 355. Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, Japan.
Doyle, Gillian (2014), Re-invention and Survival: Newspapers in the era of digital multiplatform delivery, Journal of Media Business Studies, 10 (4).
Evans, David (2009), The Online Advertising Industry: Economics, Evolution, and Privacy, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23(3): 37–60.
Graham, David (2010), Global player of Subsidy Junkie? Decision Time for BBC, Adam Smith Inst.
Krumsvik, Arne (2012). Why old media will be funding journalism in the future, Journalism Studies, 13 (5-6): 729-741.
Picard, Robert (2011), Mapping Digital Media: Digitization and Media Business Models, London: Open Society Foundation
WTO (2010), Audiovisual Services, Background Note by Secretariat, WTO, 12 Jan S/C/W/310.
For Reference
CEC (2007), The Audiovisual Media Services (‘AVMS’) Directive (EC Directive 2007/65/ EC)
OFCOM (2013), Communications Market Report 2013, August 2013.