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Polak, Michele (2006). It’s a gURL Thing: Community Versus Commodity in Girl-Focused Netspace. In: Buckingham, David and Wilett, Rebekah (eds.) Digital Generations. Children, Young People and New Media. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass. pp. 177-191. 14 pages.

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Schulz, Winfried (2004). Reconstructing Mediatization as an Analytical Concept. s.87-101. European Journal of Communication. Vol 19(1):87-101. 14 pages.

Sefton-Green, Julian & Buckingham, David (2003) [1998]: Digital Visions: Children’s ‘Creative’ Uses of Multimedia Technologies. In: Sefton-Green, Julian. Digital Diversions. London: Routledge, pp. 62-83. 22 pages.

Silverstone, Roger (2005). The Sociology of Mediation and Communication. In: Calhoun, Craig, Rojek, Chris and Turner, Bryan. The Sage handbook of Sociology. London: Sage, pp. 188-207. 19 pages.

Silverstone, (Roger 2002). Complicity and Collusion in the Mediation of Everyday Life. In: New Literary History. Vol. 33(4):761-780. 19 pages.

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Published May 22, 2007 6:47 PM - Last modified June 6, 2007 2:10 PM