LECTURES (Mondays 1215-1400 in room 207, the Research Park)
27 Aug - Knut Lundby: Concepts and cases of the ‘mediatized’
3 Sept - Birgit Hertzberg Kaare: Concepts and cases of Digital Storytelling
10 Sept - Knut-Arne Futs?ter Patterns in use of digital media among youth
17 Sept - Nancy Thumim Mediating self-representations
24 Sept - B.H. Kaare/K. Lundby: Multimodality, identity and self-representation
1 Oct - Ola Erstad Remixing cultures and media literacies
8 Oct - Ivar Fr?nes Narrative logics & Knut Lundby Summing up
SEMINARS (Thursdays 1015–1200 in room 207, the Research Park)
6 Sept - Birgit Hertzberg Kaare: Intro, curriculum, topics for term papers.
13 Sept - Mark Deuze Self-expression in news work
20 Sept - B H Kaare with N Thumim: Concepts and cases of Digital Storytelling
27 Sept - K. Lundby with N Thumim: Creativity, identity and self-represenation
4 Oct - Birgit Hertzberg Kaare: Discussions of term papers
11 Oct - Knut Lundby: Discussions of term papers
18 Oct - Knut Lundby: Concluding seminar